In this lesson we will learn about Naïve Bayes classification models, which use an algorithm that relies on Bayes Theorem, and which is based on strong assumptions concerning the independence of the predictors conditional on the response . Naïve Bayes classification models are commonly used as an alternative to decision trees for classification problems. Naive Bayes classification models are highly scalable, requiring a number of parameters linear in the number of variables (features/predictors) in a learning problem . In training the models, maximum-likelihood methods are used to evaluate a closed-form expression .

Load R packages

library(rgdal)        # spatial data processing
library(raster)       # raster processing
library(plyr)         # data manipulation 
library(dplyr)        # data manipulation 
library(RStoolbox)    # Image analysis & plotting spatial data 
library(RColorBrewer) # color
library(ggplot2)      # plotting
library(sp)           # spatial data
library(caret)        # machine laerning
library(doParallel)   # Parallel processing
library(e1071)        # Naive Bayes

The data could be available for download from here.

# Define data folder

Load data

train.df<-read.csv(paste0(dataFolder,".\\Sentinel_2\\train_data.csv"), header = T)
test.df<-read.csv(paste0(dataFolder,".\\Sentinel_2\\test_data.csv"), header = T)

Start foreach to parallelize for model fitting

mc <- makeCluster(detectCores())

Tunning prameters

myControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", 

Train Naïve Bayes model

We will use the train() function of the caret package with the “method” parameter “nb” wrapped from the e1071 package.

fit.nb <- train(as.factor(Landuse)~B2+B3+B4+B4+B6+B7+B8+B8A+B11+B12, 
                method = "nb",
                metric= "Accuracy",
                preProc = c("center", "scale"), 
                trControl = myControl
## Naive Bayes 
## 16764 samples
##     9 predictor
##     5 classes: 'Building', 'Grass', 'Parking/road/pavement', 'Tree/bushes', 'Water' 
## Pre-processing: centered (9), scaled (9) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (3 fold, repeated 2 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 11176, 11175, 11177, 11175, 11175, 11178, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   usekernel  Accuracy   Kappa    
##   FALSE      0.8800113  0.8408077
##    TRUE      0.9065557  0.8759263
## Tuning parameter 'fL' was held constant at a value of 0
## Tuning
##  parameter 'adjust' was held constant at a value of 1
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were fL = 0, usekernel = TRUE
##  and adjust = 1.

Stop cluster


Confusion Matrix - train data

p1<-predict(fit.nb, train.df, type = "raw")
confusionMatrix(p1, train.df$Landuse)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##                        Reference
## Prediction              Building Grass Parking/road/pavement Tree/bushes
##   Building                  2309     0                    97           1
##   Grass                       50  3397                     1          55
##   Parking/road/pavement      679     0                  3743         432
##   Tree/bushes                 63    85                    33        5180
##   Water                        0     0                     0           0
##                        Reference
## Prediction              Water
##   Building                  0
##   Grass                     0
##   Parking/road/pavement     8
##   Tree/bushes               7
##   Water                   624
## Overall Statistics
##                Accuracy : 0.9099          
##                  95% CI : (0.9054, 0.9142)
##     No Information Rate : 0.3381          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
##                   Kappa : 0.8804          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA              
## Statistics by Class:
##                      Class: Building Class: Grass
## Sensitivity                   0.7446       0.9756
## Specificity                   0.9928       0.9920
## Pos Pred Value                0.9593       0.9697
## Neg Pred Value                0.9448       0.9936
## Prevalence                    0.1850       0.2077
## Detection Rate                0.1377       0.2026
## Detection Prevalence          0.1436       0.2090
## Balanced Accuracy             0.8687       0.9838
##                      Class: Parking/road/pavement Class: Tree/bushes
## Sensitivity                                0.9662             0.9139
## Specificity                                0.9132             0.9831
## Pos Pred Value                             0.7698             0.9650
## Neg Pred Value                             0.9890             0.9572
## Prevalence                                 0.2311             0.3381
## Detection Rate                             0.2233             0.3090
## Detection Prevalence                       0.2900             0.3202
## Balanced Accuracy                          0.9397             0.9485
##                      Class: Water
## Sensitivity               0.97653
## Specificity               1.00000
## Pos Pred Value            1.00000
## Neg Pred Value            0.99907
## Prevalence                0.03812
## Detection Rate            0.03722
## Detection Prevalence      0.03722
## Balanced Accuracy         0.98826

Confusion Matrix - test data

p2<-predict(fit.nb, test.df, type = "raw")
confusionMatrix(p2, test.df$Landuse)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##                        Reference
## Prediction              Building Grass Parking/road/pavement Tree/bushes
##   Building                   997     0                    42           2
##   Grass                       17  1452                     0          19
##   Parking/road/pavement      287     0                  1606         202
##   Tree/bushes                 27    39                    12        2206
##   Water                        0     0                     0           0
##                        Reference
## Prediction              Water
##   Building                  0
##   Grass                     0
##   Parking/road/pavement     4
##   Tree/bushes               5
##   Water                   264
## Overall Statistics
##                Accuracy : 0.9086          
##                  95% CI : (0.9017, 0.9152)
##     No Information Rate : 0.3383          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
##                   Kappa : 0.8787          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA              
## Statistics by Class:
##                      Class: Building Class: Grass
## Sensitivity                   0.7508       0.9738
## Specificity                   0.9925       0.9937
## Pos Pred Value                0.9577       0.9758
## Neg Pred Value                0.9461       0.9931
## Prevalence                    0.1849       0.2076
## Detection Rate                0.1388       0.2022
## Detection Prevalence          0.1450       0.2072
## Balanced Accuracy             0.8716       0.9838
##                      Class: Parking/road/pavement Class: Tree/bushes
## Sensitivity                                0.9675             0.9082
## Specificity                                0.9107             0.9825
## Pos Pred Value                             0.7651             0.9637
## Neg Pred Value                             0.9894             0.9544
## Prevalence                                 0.2312             0.3383
## Detection Rate                             0.2236             0.3072
## Detection Prevalence                       0.2923             0.3188
## Balanced Accuracy                          0.9391             0.9454
##                      Class: Water
## Sensitivity               0.96703
## Specificity               1.00000
## Pos Pred Value            1.00000
## Neg Pred Value            0.99870
## Prevalence                0.03802
## Detection Rate            0.03676
## Detection Prevalence      0.03676
## Balanced Accuracy         0.98352

Predition at grid location

# read grid CSV file
grid.df<-read.csv(paste0(dataFolder,".\\Sentinel_2\\prediction_grid_data.csv"), header = T) 
# Preddict at grid location
p3<, grid.df, type = "raw"))
# Extract predicted landuse class
# Import lnaduse ID file 
ID<-read.csv(paste0(dataFolder,".\\Sentinel_2\\Landuse_ID.csv"), header=T)
# Join landuse ID<-join(grid.df, ID, by="Landuse", type="inner") 
# Omit missing values<-na.omit(                                                            

Convert to raster

x<-SpatialPointsDataFrame([, c("x", "y")], data =
r <- rasterFromXYZ([, c("x", "y", "Class_ID")])

Plot Landuse Map:

# Color Palette
myPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("light grey","burlywood4", "forestgreen","light green", "dodgerblue"))
# Plot Map
LU<-spplot(r,"Class_ID", main="Supervised Image Classification: Naïve Bayes" , 
      colorkey = list(space="right",tick.number=1,height=1, width=1.5,
              labels = list(at = seq(1,4.8,length=5),cex=1.0,
              lab = c("Road/parking/pavement" ,"Building", "Tree/buses", "Grass", "Water"))),

Write raster

# writeRaster(r, filename = paste0(dataFolder,".\\Sentinel_2\\NB_Landuse.tiff"), "GTiff", overwrite=T)
rm(list = ls())