In this exerciser we will learn following raster processing techniques with R:


Load R packages

library (rgdal)           # Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
library (raster)          # raster data
library(classInt)     # for class interval
library(RColorBrewer)   # for customize colour palettes
library(gridExtra)    # plotting
library(spatialEco)   # Curveture analysis

Load Data

We will use elevation data (5 km x 5 km) of four states of great plain region of USA (GP_ELEV.tif) and data set could be available for download from here

# Define data folder

Load raster


Basic Raster Operation

Check projection system

## CRS arguments:
##  +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0
## +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

Check raster attribute

## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 310, 275, 85250  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 5000, 5000  (x, y)
## extent      : -1250285, 124715, 988795, 2538795  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
## data source : F:\Spatial_Data_Processing_and_Analysis_R\Data\DATA_07\GP_ELEV.tif 
## names       : GP_ELEV 
## values      : 224.4348, 3828.2  (min, max)
  • Nrow, Ncol: the number of rows and columns in the data (imagine a spreadsheet or a matrix).
  • Ncells: the total number of pixels or cells that make up the raster.
  • Resolution: the size of each pixel (deg decimal).
  • Extent: the spatial extent of the raster. This value will be in the same coordinate units as the coordinate reference system of the raster.
  • Coord ref: the coordinate reference system string for the raster. This raster is in Geographical Coordinate system with a datum of WGS 84.

Raster extent

## class       : Extent 
## xmin        : -1250285 
## xmax        : 124715 
## ymin        : 988795 
## ymax        : 2538795

Raster statistics

R allow you to calculate some basic statistics of raster data. We can use summary function to get some statistics of raster layer.

##            GP_ELEV
## Min.      224.4348
## 1st Qu.  1207.6884
## Median   1633.6725
## 3rd Qu.  2160.3500
## Max.     3828.2000
## NA's    42766.0000

Histogram of raster

R-base function hist is also useful to know frequency of raster values

     col= "purple",                                              # color of histogram 
     main="Distribution of Elevation values with 5 breaks",     # tittle of the plot
     xlab= "Elevation (m)",                                     # x-axis name
     ylab = "Number of Pixels")                                 # y-axis name

Plot raster

plot(ELEV.GP, main="Albers Equal Area Conic")


Now will clip this DEM with extent of CO state shape file. Before clipping, you have to make sure both raster and vector data are in same projection systems.

# Load CO state shape file
## [1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0"

In R, clipping of a raster is two steps procedure, first you have to apply crop() function & then mask functions of raster package. Crop returns a geographic subset of an object as specified by an extent object (or object from which an extent object can be extracted/created). mask Create a new Raster object that has the same values as input raster.

ELEV.CO<- crop(ELEV.GP, extent(CO.STATE))
ELEV.CO <-raster::mask(ELEV.CO, CO.STATE)
writeRaster(ELEV.CO, paste0(dataFolder,"CO_ELEV.tiff"),"GTiff",overwrite=TRUE)
Plot Clip DEM
plot(ELEV.CO, main= "5 km x 5 Km DEM of CO State")
plot(CO.STATE, add=TRUE)


Reclassification is the process of reassigning a value, a range of values, or a list of values in a raster to new output values.


Before reclassification, we create a histogram with 4 breaks, of ELEV.CO raster

     col= "purple",                                             # color of histogram 
     main="Distribution of Elevation values with 4 breaks",     # tittle of the plot
     xlab= "Elevation (m)",                                     # x-axis name
     ylab = "Number of Pixels")                                 # y-axis name

Now, you can check where are breaks and how many pixels in each category, and use these breaks to plot a raster layer

## [1] 1000 2000 3000 4000
## [1] 5347 4083 1335
# plot using  the histogram breaks.
     breaks = c(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000), 
     col = terrain.colors(5),
     main="DEM ")

We will use breaks of histogram to reclassify the DEM raster. First, you have to create classification matrix

  • Class 1: 1000 - 2000 m (low elevation)
  • Class 2: 2000 - 3000 m (medium elevation)
  • Class 3: 3000 - 4000 (Inf) m (high elevation)
# Create a dataframe
reclass_df <- c(1000, 2000, 1,
                2000, 3000, 2,
                3000, Inf, 3)
## [1] 1000 2000    1 2000 3000    2 3000  Inf    3

Next, you have to reshape the data frame to matrix using matrix function

reclass_m <- matrix(reclass_df,
                ncol = 3,
                byrow = TRUE)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 1000 2000    1
## [2,] 2000 3000    2
## [3,] 3000  Inf    3

Now you have to apply reclassify() function of raster package using re-class_m object.

ELEV.CO.reclass <- reclassify(ELEV.CO,

You can view the distribution of pixels assigned to each class using the bar-plot().

        main = "Number of pixels in each class")

Now we plot the reclassified raster using plot function with a nice looking legend

     legend = FALSE,
     col = c("green", "blue", "red"), axes = FALSE,
     main = "Reclassified DEM")

       legend = c("Low", "Medium", "High"),
       fill = c("green", "blue", "red"),
       border = FALSE,
       bty = "n") # turn off legend border


Sometimes quantile function is us full to the distribution of raster values

quantile(ELEV.CO)                     #  default 5 quantile
##       0%      25%      50%      75%     100% 
## 1032.333 1490.708 2006.680 2608.840 3828.200
quantile(ELEV.CO, prob=seq(0,1,0.1))  # 10 quantile
##       0%      10%      20%      30%      40%      50%      60%      70% 
## 1032.333 1280.194 1418.156 1567.555 1770.616 2006.680 2267.440 2480.909 
##      80%      90%     100% 
## 2756.125 3089.469 3828.200
Define quantile breaks

If you want create a raster map using the quantile, you fave to use classInt package. The classIntervals function is create a custom breaks of raster values using different styles (such as “fixed”, “sd”, “equal”, “pretty”, “quantile”, “kmeans”, “hclust”, “bclust”, “fisher”, & “jenks”). For details, please see help, just type ?classIntervals in R console

First, we have to convert raster to vector using values function. Then, you have to create a object with a quantile interval applying classIntervals function to vector data.

value.vector <- values(ELEV.CO)
value.vector <- value.vector[value.vector != 0]
at = round(classIntervals(value.vector, n = 10, style = "quantile")$brks, 0) # 10 quantile
##  [1] 1032 1280 1418 1568 1771 2007 2267 2481 2756 3089 3828

Now, we plot the DEM raster using the this custom break. We will use sppot function from sp package to plot raster data with state boundary shape file. Before that we will create a custom color palette using colorRampPalette of RColorBrewer.

rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("lightblue","blue","green","yellow","red"),
space = "rgb")
polys<- list("sp.lines", as(CO.STATE, "SpatialLines"), col="grey", lty=1)  # CO state boundary
spplot(ELEV.CO, main = "Quantile of DEM (m)",
   colorkey=list(space="right",height=1, width=1.3,at=1:11,labels=list(cex=1.0,at=1:11,

Focal Statistics

Focal statistics calculate for each input cell location a statistic (mean, sum etc) of the values within a specified neighborhood around it. Conceptually, on execution, the algorithm visits each cell in the raster and calculates the specified statistic with the identified neighborhood. The cell for which the statistic is being calculated is referred to as the processing cell. The value of the processing cell, as well as all the cell values in the identified neighborhood, is included in the neighborhood statistics calculation. The neighborhoods can overlap so that cells in one neighborhood may also be included in the neighborhood of another processing cell. (Source:

To illustrate the neighborhood processing for Focal Statistics calculating a Sum statistic, consider the processing cell with a value of 5 in the following diagram. A rectangular 3 by 3 cell neighborhood shape is specified. The sum of the values of the neighboring cells (3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 19) plus the value of the processing cell (5) equals 24 (19 + 5 = 24). So a value of 24 is given to the cell in the output raster in the same location as the processing cell in the input raster.

The above figure demonstrates how the calculations are performed on a single cell in the input raster. In the following diagram, the results for all the input cells are shown. The cells highlighted in yellow identify the same processing cell and neighborhood as in the example above.

We will calculate focal mean of each cell of DEM data using focal() function of raster package.

focal.sum<- focal(ELEV.CO, 
    w=matrix(1/9,nrow=3,ncol=3),    # matrix of weights for 3 x 3 
spplot(focal.sum, main="Focal Sum of DEM (m)")

focal.mean<- focal(ELEV.CO, 
    w=matrix(1/9,nrow=3,ncol=3),    # matrix of weights for 3 x 3 
spplot(focal.mean,main="Focal Mean of DEM (m)")

Raster Algebra

Raster algebra in R is a set-based algebra for manipulating a raster object more raster layers (“maps”) of similar dimensions to produce a new raster layer (map) using algebraic operations. It includes the normal algebraic operators such as +, -, *, /, logical operators such as >, >=, <, ==, ! and functions like abs, round, ceiling, floor, trunc, sqrt, log, log10, exp, cos, sin, atan, tan, max, min, range, prod, sum, any, all.

A simple sample of raster algebra in R is to convert unit of DEM raster from meter to feet (1 m = 3.28084 feet)

plot(dem.feet, main= "DEM (feet)")

plot(dem.feet.1000, main = "DEM (feet x 1000)")


Aggregate a Raster object to create a new Raster-layer with a lower resolution (larger cells). Aggregation groups rectangular areas to create larger cells. The value for the resulting cells is computed with a user-specified function. First, we will create 10 km x 10 km raster (mean & standard deviation) from 5 km x 5 kg raster using aggregate function of raster package. If aggregate function does not work, remove “mean” or “sd” objects if you have created before.

mean.DEM<-aggregate(ELEV.CO, fact=2, fun=mean) 
sd.DEM<-aggregate(ELEV.CO, fact=2, fun=sd) 
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 51, 64, 3264  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 10000, 10000  (x, y)
## extent      : -1145285, -505285, 1563795, 2073795  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
## data source : in memory
## names       : GP_ELEV 
## values      : 1052.791, 3692.687  (min, max)
p1<-spplot(mean.DEM, main="Mean (10 km x 10 km) of DEM (m)")
p2<-spplot(sd.DEM, main="SD of DEM (m)")
p3<-spplot(se.DEM, main="SE of DEM (m)")
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, ncol=3)


Re-sample transfers values between non matching Raster in in terms of origin and resolution. We will re-sample 10 km raster to 5 km raster again using ELEV.CO ( 5 km). We will use resample function. Here two methods available: bilinear for bilinear interpolation, or **ngb* for using the nearest neighbor. First argument is a raster object to be re-sampled and second argument is raster object with parameters that first raster should be re-sampled to.

dem.5km<-resample(mean.DEM, ELEV.CO, method='bilinear') #
## class       : RasterLayer 
## dimensions  : 101, 128, 12928  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution  : 5000, 5000  (x, y)
## extent      : -1145285, -505285, 1568795, 2073795  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
## data source : in memory
## names       : GP_ELEV 
## values      : 1045.513, 3630.237  (min, max)
spplot(dem.5km, main="Resampled DEM - 5 x 5 km")


We will use merge() function to mosaic all raster ./DEM.GP folder to create a seamless raster of great plain

DEM.input <- list.files(path= paste0(dataFolder,".//DEM_GP"),pattern=".tif$",full.names=T)   
## [1] "F://Spatial_Data_Processing_and_Analysis_R//Data//DATA_07//.//DEM_GP/CO_ELEV.tif"
## [2] "F://Spatial_Data_Processing_and_Analysis_R//Data//DATA_07//.//DEM_GP/KS_ELEV.tif"
## [3] "F://Spatial_Data_Processing_and_Analysis_R//Data//DATA_07//.//DEM_GP/NM_ELEV.tif"
## [4] "F://Spatial_Data_Processing_and_Analysis_R//Data//DATA_07//.//DEM_GP/WY_ELEV.tif"
r <- lapply(DEM.input, raster)
r1<, c(r, tolerance = 1))
plot(r1, main="Mosaic DEM (m)")

Convert Raster to Point Data

For convert raster data to spatial point data frame, we will use rasterToPoints() function and then we will apply function to convert a regular data frame

SPDF <- rasterToPoints(ELEV.CO)
##  num [1:10765, 1:3] -1082785 -1077785 -1072785 -1082785 -1077785 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : NULL
##   ..$ : chr [1:3] "x" "y" "GP_ELEV"
##          x       y GP_ELEV
## 1 -1082785 2071295 2568.92
## 2 -1077785 2071295 2610.72
## 3 -1072785 2071295 2393.16
## 4 -1082785 2066295 2498.28
## 5 -1077785 2066295 2481.25
## 6 -1072785 2066295 2610.20
write.csv(df, paste0(dataFolder,"GP_ElEV.csv", row.names = F))

Convert Point Data to Raster

First, we will convert df to a SpatialPointsDataFrame, then we will use rasterFromXYZ to convert point data frame to raster. Finally, we will define CRS to Albers Equal Area Conic

x<-SpatialPointsDataFrame(df[, c("x", "y")], data = df)
DEM <- rasterFromXYZ([, c("x", "y", "GP_ELEV")])
usa_albers = CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
proj4string(DEM) = usa_albers

Raster Stack and Raster Brick

You can use High-level functions to manipulate multiple raster after creating create raster stack (collection of raster layers) using stack() or brick() functions of raster raster package. The stack() and bricck() functions can both store multiple layers. However, how they store each layers is different. The layers in a in stack() are stored as links to raster data that is located somewhere on our computer. A brick() contains all of the objects stored within the actual R object. brick() is more efficient and faster than stack(), We will use mean.DEM and sd.DEM raster to create standard error map.

s<-stack(mean.DEM,sd.DEM, se.DEM) # stack
names(s)<-c("Mean", "SD","SE")  # rename the layers
## class       : RasterStack 
## dimensions  : 51, 64, 3264, 3  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution  : 10000, 10000  (x, y)
## extent      : -1145285, -505285, 1563795, 2073795  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
## names       :      Mean,        SD,        SE 
## min values  :  1052.791,     0.000,     0.000 
## max values  : 3692.6873,  470.5111,  332.7016

Digital Terrain Modeling

Terrain analysis or land surface analysis is a process that describes terrain, for example it’s roughness, altitude, etc., quantitatively. Such analysis can be very useful in assessing land suitability for agriculture, construction, roads, or in designing irrigation schemes, and other land use features.


The slope is an incline, or steepness, of a surface. The slope can be measured in degrees from horizontal (0-90), or percent slope (which is the rise divided by the run, multiplied by 100). A slope of 30 and 45 degrees equals 58 and 100 percent slope, respectively. As the slope angle approaches vertical (90 degrees), the percent slope approaches infinity. The slope for a cell in a raster is the steepest slope of a plane defined by the cell and its eight surrounding neighbors. (Source: ESRI online GIS Dictionary).

We will use terrain() function from raster package to create raster slope.

SLOPE <- terrain(ELEV.CO,           # raster DEM
    opt="slope",                        # Slope function 
    unit='degrees')                 # unit degree
       col = rainbow(16), main= "Slope (degree)")


The compass direction that a slope faces is most commonly measured from degrees north. The Aspect command provides a 32-bit float raster that ranges from 0° and 360°. This represents the azimuth (the angular distance from the north to south point of the horizon that can be transversed by a vertical circle that intersects the horizon, which represents the direction of an object from the observer) that slopes are facing. In other words, 0° means that the slope is facing North, 90° indicates East, 180° indicates a Southward facing, and 270° is to the west. This however requires that the top of your input raster is north oriented, as most are. Values found in between these ranges assume a mixture of cardinal directions, ex. 250 indicates a hillside with a Southeast facing aspect. The aspect value -9999 is generally used as the ‘nodata’ value to indicate use of an undefined aspect in areas lacking variation in topography, with slope=0. You can also make use of the legend to indicate the appropriate aspect for each hillside in your study area. The legend permits you to identify North (~ 0 or 360 degrees), South (~ 180 degrees), East (~270 degrees) or West (~90 degrees) facing slopes).

ASPECT <- terrain(ELEV.CO,        #  raster DEM
    opt="aspect",                       #  aspect function 
    unit='degrees')                   #  unit degree
       col = rainbow(16), main= "Aspect (degree)")


A hillshade is a grayscale 3D representation of the surface, with the sun’s relative position taken into account for shading the image. This function uses the altitude and azimuth properties to specify the sun’s position.

We generate a hill shade layer from slope and aspect layers (both in degree). Slope and aspect can be computed with function terrain. A hill shade layer is often used as a backdrop on top of which another, semi-transparent, layer is drawn.

hill <- hillShade(SLOPE, ASPECT, 45, 250)
plot(hill, col=grey(0:100/100), legend=FALSE, main='Hillshade Map of CO')
plot(ELEV.CO, col=rainbow(50, alpha=0.35), add=TRUE)

Terrain Ruggedness Index

TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index) is the mean of the absolute differences between the value of a cell and the value of its 8 surrounding cells (the amount of elevation difference between adjacent cells of a DEM). This provides a relative measure of elevation changes between a specified grid cell and neighbors. The TRI is useful for analyzing what environments might be suited to particular crops or species which may be sensitive to particular sloped environments, or for assessing the potential flow of soil during erosion events, and so on.

TRI<- terrain(ELEV.CO,          #  raster DEM
    opt="TRI",                  #  TRI function 
    unit='degrees')                 #  unit degree
       main= "Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)",

Topographic Position Index

TPI (Topographic Position Index) is the difference between the value of a cell and the mean value of its 8 surrounding cells.Positive TPI values represent locations that are higher than the average of their surroundings, as defined by the neighborhood (ridges). Negative TPI values represent locations that are lower than their surroundings (valleys). TPI values near zero are either flat areas (where the slope is near zero) or areas of constant slope. Topographic position is an inherent scale-dependent phenomenon.

TPI<- terrain(ELEV.CO,          #  raster DEM
    opt="TPI",                  #  TPI function
    unit='degrees')                 #  unit degree
       main= "Topographic Position Index (TPI)",


Roughness is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of a cell and its 8 surrounding cells.

ROUGH<- terrain(ELEV.CO,          # raster DEM
    opt="roughness",            # roughness function
    unit='degrees')                 # unit degree
       main= "Roughness",


Curvature is the change in the degree of slope for a given distance on that slope. It is a very helpful measure to understand the surface water flow through a landscape, and can be used in part to help design an irrigation scheme, for example. It is widely used by hydrological scientists. When interpreting data from a curve, any positive values indicate a convex (upward bulging) slope, while negative values correspond to a convex (downward facing) curve. The first is like a dinner bowl sanding correctly on a table, the latter is like a bowl that has been flipped over and is facing down. Any pixels observed that show positive curvature indicate the potential for liquid flow dispersal away from a central area, while and negative values indicate accumulation. In combination, convex and concave surfaces approximate actual topography.

A Plan curve is the measurement of the rate at which a horizontal curve changes. Positive and negative values respectively indicate divergence and convergence of a particular slope. Highlight a divergent slope, negative values a convergent slope.

A Profile curve is conversely a vertical measurement of the change of a slope. Positive values indicate convexity, while negative values represent concave profiles.

In there is no package available yet for Curvature analysis in R. I have a function here. We will call this function using source(“curveture_function.R”), But when I run this, it shows error.

# profile<-curv(DEM, calc = "profile")
# plan<-curv(DEM, calc = "plan")

However, in spatialEco package allow to calculate McNab’s and Bolstad’s variants of the surface curvature (concavity/convexity) index (McNab 1993; Bolstad & Lillesand 1992; McNab 1989). The index is based on features that confine the view from the center of a 3x3 window. In the Bolstad equation, edge correction is addressed be dividing by the radius distance to the outermost cell (36.2m). We will use curveture function of spatialEco package.

# McNab curvature
m.crv <- curvature(ELEV.CO, s=5, type="mcnab")
# Bolstad curvature
b.crv <- curvature(ELEV.CO, s=5, type="bolstad")
p1<-spplot(m.crv, main="McNab curvature")
p2<-spplot(b.crv, main="Bolstad curvature")
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)

Flow Direction

The direction of the greatest drop in elevation (or the smallest rise if all neighbors are higher).

FLD<- terrain(ELEV.CO,          #  raster DEM
    opt="flowdir ",             # flow direction
    unit='degrees')                 # unit degree
       main= "Flow Direction",

rm(list = ls())