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Object Class Hierarchy (P2)

This is the class tree extending from Object in Postal 2. For a class tree of the Actor components see Actor Class Hierarchy (P2).

[P2] Postal 2 :: Object >> etc. (Package: packagename)

Note: If you are adding a subclass page of Actor, you can skip the Object link.

If you want to add information on a Postal 2 class:

  • Put a link here to the class you want to describe.
  • If the link is taken by a Unreal Tournament class then, in that class:
    1. Put a link to "{classname} (P2)", substituting the current classname
    2. Move all the text from the page to this new page.


  • ">>" means that class' subtree is expanded on the class page.
  • Classes that exist only in Postal 2 should be labelled as such.
 +- Actor >> see Actor Class Hierarchy (P2)
 +- AdminBase
 |  +- Admin
 +- AnimEditProps?
 +- AnimNotify?
 |  +- AnimNotify_DestroyEffect?
 |  +- AnimNotify_Effect?
 |  +- AnimNotify_MatSubAction?
 |  +- AnimNotify_Script?
 |  +- AnimNotify_Scripted?
 |  |  +- AnimNotify_Trigger?
 |  +- AnimNotify_Sound?
 +- AnimNotifyProps?
 +- Bitmap
 +- BrushBuilder >>
 +- CameraEffect
 |  +- CameraOverlay
 |  +- CameraText
 |  +- CameraTitle
 |  +- MotionBlur
 +- Canvas
 +- CheatManager
 |  +- P2CheatManager
 +- Commandlet
 |  +- AnalyzeContentCommandlet?
 |  +- BatchExportCommandlet
 |  +- ChecksumPackageCommandlet?
 |  +- CheckUnicodeCommandlet?
 |  +- CompressCommandlet?
 |  +- ConformCommandlet?
 |  +- ConvertMaterialCommandlet?
 |  +- CutdownContentCommandlet?
 |  +- DataRipCommandlet?
 |  +- DecompressCommandlet?
 |  +- DemoContentCommandlet?
 |  +- DXTConvertCommandlet?
 |  +- HelloWorldCommandlet?
 |  +- MakeCommandlet?
 |  +- MapConvertCommandlet?
 |  +- MasterCommandlet?
 |  +- MasterServerCommandlet?
 |  +- PackageFlagCommandlet?
 |  +- PkgCommandlet?
 |  +- ServerCommandlet?
 |  +- SimpleCommandlet?
 |  +- StripSourceCommandlet?
 |  +- UpdateServerCommandlet?
 |  +- UpdateUModCommandlet?
 +- DayBase
 +- ErrandBase
 +- ErrandGoal
 |  +- ErrandGoalGetInvClass
 |  |  +- ErrandGoalGetAmmoMax
 |  |  +- ErrandGoalGetInvClassFromPerson
 |  +- ErrandGoalGetPickup
 |  |  +- ErrandGoalDropOffPickup
 |  +- ErrandGoalGiveInventory
 |  +- ErrandGoalKillMe
 |  +- ErrandGoalTag
 |  +- ErrandGoalTalkTo
 |  +- ErrandGoalTriggeredAction?
 |  +- ErrandGoalUrineQuotaMet
 +- I3DL2Listener?
 +- Interactions
 |  +- Interaction
 |  |  +- Console
 |  |  |  +- FPSConsole
 |  |  |  |  +- FPSConsoleExt
 |  |  |  +- WindowConsole
 |  |  +- P2Screen
 |  |  |  +- ClothesScreen?
 |  |  |  +- LoadScreen?
 |  |  |  +- MapScreen?
 |  |  |  +- NewsScreen?
 |  |  |  +- PickScreen?
 |  |  |  +- StatsScreen?
 |  |  |  +- VoteScreen?
 |  |  +- UWindowBase >> see UWindow Class Hierarchy
 |  +- InteractionMaster
 +- KarmaParamsCollision
 |  +- KarmaParams
 |     +- KarmaParamsRBFull
 |     +- KarmaParamsSkel
 +- KMeshProps?
 +- Language?
 +- LevelSummary
 +- ListItem
 +- Locale?
 +- Material >>
 +- MaterialFactory
 |  +- FractalTextureFactory
 |  +- RawMaterialFactory
 +- MatObject?  (not expanded)
 +- MeshEditProps?
 +- NotifyProperties?
 +- Palette
 +- ParticleEmitter
 |  +- BeamEmitter?
 |  +- MeshEmitter?
 |  +- SparkEmitter?
 |  +- SpriteEmitter
 |  |  +- SuperSpriteEmitter?
 |  +- StripEmitter?
 +- Player
 |  +- no UC subclasses...
 +- PlayerInput
 +- ReachSpec
 +- RosterEntry?
 +- ScriptedAction >>
 +- SequEditProps?
 +- SkelPrefsEditProps?
 +- Subsystem  (not expanded)
 +- TestObj
 +- Time?
 +- WebApplication
 |  +- HelloWeb
 |  +- ImageServer
 |  |  +- UTImageServer
 |  +- UTServerAdmin
 +- WebRequest
 +- WebResponse

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