About Me

"news for dayz"

Wondering what this site is? It's a little site I made myself. Who am I? I'm M. Oooo. Spooky. I will be posting on this site almost every day, giving you guys (the readers) what I think is the most interesting/unique news that day. Of course, it's not going to be full length, I'm going to summarize it, so you don't have to waste your time, and you don't have to wonder what's going on when your friends talk about the biggest (or craziest) news stories. The actual sources from the news articles are listed at the bottom, so feel free to read the whole article if you want to juicy details.

Ok, more on me. What? You don't want to do about me you're narcissistic? Too bad. I’m going to introduce myself. I am logical, serious, straightforward, and I have sarcastic and satirical views. I'm too sanctimonious and arrogant for my age. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You’ll probably see me strolling around with a gray jacket with jeans on.

I’m a teen in high school. I’m pretty much just a normal kid. (I’m that short Asian nerdy kid) I'm pretty conservative with food and stuff. I do stay home a lot prepping for tests and homework one month in advance. ;( I have no life. I enjoy watching anime, so that inspired me to learn Japanese. I'm taking the JLPT N5 in December! Woop woop. I enjoy coding, so that's why I made this website.

My life is very repetitive and boring. :( I pretty much just stay home the whole day. I just prep for tests and homework one month in advance. ;( (and make this website) I have no life. I often cringe and scorn when I see people who always HAVE to procrastinate until the last day. I don't even know wtf they do when they get home. I think I only have this thinking because I have to go to sleep by 10:00-10:30, and have to fit all my schedule in, but other peeps have until 2:00. :(

Ok bai.