Release 10.0

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Release 10.0, updated 2022-05-01, "Labour Day"
The date of the Internationl Labour Day was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Affair in Chicago, May 4, 1886.


  • Function dir() - Poor error message when specifying invalid path name, has been fixed
  • Parsing error resolved (if a '(' is found but not allowed here, the symbol was not shown)

New Functions

  • toc - Table of contents

Improvements in Existing Functions

  • Functions renamed: numeral to num, literal to str, etc.

New Language Features (e.g. syntax and semantics)

None in this release

Other new Features

None in this release

Clean-ups and Streamlining

  • The type string consist of two subtypes (softquoted string and quoted string) and no longer three.
  • The term 'string' has replaced the term 'literal' for better clarity
  • Various clean-ups done in B4P docs

Performance Improvements

  • Clean-up in the B4P Data Engine results in minor performance improvements.

Depreciated and retired features

Softquoted literals: Header names and likes in a single string and separate with commas will no longer be separated into individual parameters as it created more confustion and processing time than providing benefits. Put multiple parameters into a parameter set instead.

The function type detailed has been renamed to subtype.