The Workspace displays a hierarchical structure of your configuration. It is divided into two tabs:

Resizing the Windows font may result in the Configuration and Definitions tabs not being displayed.

Right-clicking a tab on your Workspace displays a shortcut menu that allows you to manage your configuration or definitions, respectively. 

By default, the Workspace is located on the left, but can be dragged to any position on the screen. You can use the keyboard shortcut F6 to toggle between the Workspace tabs. The Workspace iconon the standard toolbar can be used to display or hide the Workspace


The Configuration tab lists the lockers, routes and communication points currently configured on the Rhapsody Engine. Routes and communication points can be grouped within folders.

You can perform the following actions through the right-click menu depending on whether you select the engine, a locker, folder, route, communication point:

Action Keyboard Shortcut Description
Open Route
Open the selected route in the Route Editor.
Rename Engine
F2 Rename the engine or the selected component.

Delete Locker
Delete Folder
Delete Route
Delete Communication Point


Delete the selected component.

Find Components In...
Find a component in the engine, or inside the selected folder or locker, by opening the Find Component dialog.
Show Uses

Open the Show Uses tab in the Information panel indicating where the following types of communication points are being used in Rhapsody. For typical communication points, the dialog shows the routes that use the selected communication point. For the Dynamic Router communication point, it shows its static destination routes or the delivery routes.

From the Show Uses dialog, to open:

  • The route's Properties dialog, right-click on the path and select Open Properties (or, alternatively, double-click on the path).
  • Multi-selected routes in the Route Editor, right-click on the path and select Open.
Expand Children
Expand the children under a locker or folder.
Collapse Children
Collapse the children under a locker or folder.
Copy... Ctrl+C Copy the selected component into memory.
Paste... Ctrl+V Paste copied component into a folder or locker.

Save as Template

Create a template directly from the selected route, communication point or filter.
Check Out Ctrl+H Check out the selected components.
Check In... Ctrl+G Check in the selected components.
Undo Check Out Ctrl+J Undo check-out of all checked out components.
Start Components
Start Route
Start Communication Point 

Start all components within the selected locker or folder, or start the selected route or communication point.

Stop Components
Stop Route
Stop Communication Point


Stop components within a selected locker, folder or route, or stop a selected communication point.

Component History...
Display the configuration history of the component.
New Locker... Ctrl+Y Add a new locker.
New Folder... Ctrl+T Add a new folder to the selected folder or locker.
New Route... Ctrl+R
Add a new route to the selected folder or locker.
New Communication Point... Ctrl+E

Add a new communication point to the selected folder or locker.

You cannot have two routes or communication points with the same name within the same folder. If Rhapsody detects a duplicate component, the appropriate numerical suffix is appended to the component name.

Save Documentation...
Save the configuration details for the engine or selected component to a PDF file.
Properties Alt+Enter

Display the properties of the selected component.

Alternatively, double-click a component to view the Properties dialog for a communication point, or open the route in the Route Editor.

Double-click a component to view the Properties dialog for a communication point, open the route in the Route Editor or view the User Manager permissions for a locker.


The Definitions tab lists the Message and Mapper definitions currently loaded into the Rhapsody engine. Refer to File Manager for details.

You can perform the following actions through the right-click menu when you select either a locker or a definition:

Action Keyboard Shortcut Description
Find Components In...
Find a component inside the selected locker by opening the Find Component dialog.
Open the definition file with the default application for the definition type.
Open With...
Open the definition file with an application of your choice
Open with EDI Explorer
Open the definition file with EDI Explorer.
Show Uses
Open Show Uses tab in the Information panel, which displays where the selected definition file is used in Rhapsody.
Adapt to Messages

Open a window that enables you to adapt the selected definition file to a selection of messages.

Open Folder Location
Open a file browser at the location of this definition on the current machine.
Copy File Location To Clipboard
Copy the path of this definition on the current machine to the clipboard.
Add Definition

Add a definition file by:

  • Importing an existing definition file.
  • Creating a new EDI definition file.
  • Creating a Mapping definition file.
Rename  F2 Rename the engine or the selected locker.



Delete the selected definition file.

Expand Children
Expand the children under a locker or folder.
Collapse Children
Collapse the children under a locker or folder.

Copy Definition to Another Locker...

Copy the selected definition file to another locker.
Copy the selected component into memory.
Paste a copied component into the same or another folder of the same type.
Check Out Ctrl+H Check out the selected components.
Check In... Ctrl+G Check in the selected components.
Undo Check Out Ctrl+J Undo all checked-out components.
Download File
Obtain the latest version of the selected definition file from the engine.

Definition History

Display the configuration history of the selected definition file.
New Locker... Ctrl+Y Add a new locker.
Save Documentation...
Save the configuration details for the engine or selected component to a PDF file.
Properties Alt+Enter

Display the properties of the selected locker or definition file.


Users can only access the following components and objects through lockers:

  • Communication Points
  • Routes
  • Folders
  • Definitions
  • Tracking schemes
  • REST Clients

Users have global access to the following objects:

  • Web services
  • Lookup tables
  • Certificates
  • Variables
  • JavaScript Shared Libraries

Only the Dynamic Router communication point can send messages (including message properties) across lockers.

Copying or Moving Components

You can copy or move components within lockers, or copy components between lockers using Rhapsody IDE's copy-paste or drag-and-drop functionality:

Action Behavior
Copying a (non-locker) component into memory

The component is copied into memory. However:

  • For a copied route that has cross route connectors, the cross route connections are maintained if the routes on the other end of the connectors are also copied.
Pasting a component from memory into the same locker

The component is copied into the new location within the same locker. However:

  • If there is a component with the same name in the new location, a new component is created with the same name to which an incremental number is appended.
Pasting a component from memory to a different locker

The component is copied into the destination locker. However:

  • If in the destination locker there is a component with the same name in the new location, a new component is created with the same name to which an incremental number is appended.
  • If the component has a reference that is present in the destination locker, you can choose to:
    • Remove the reference.
    • Duplicate references by appending an incremental number to the file name (the default option).
    • Update to existing references (only for definitions and message tracking schemes).
  • If the component has a reference that is not present in the destination locker, you can choose to:
    • Remove the reference.
    • Duplicate the reference. 
  • Cross route connectors retain their existing behavior.
Copying a locker into memory
  • The locker and all of its components are copied into memory. 
  • If the locker has cross route connectors, the cross route connections are maintained.
Pasting a locker from memory into the same engine

A new locker is created with the same name to which an incremental number is appended. However:

  • If you do not have the appropriate access right, an error message is displayed.
Dragging and dropping components from one locker to another

The component is copied into the destination locker. However:

  • If in the destination locker there is a component with the same name in the new location, a name conflict is indicated and you cannot check in your change.
  • If the component has a reference that is present in the destination locker, you can choose to:
    • Remove references
    • Duplicate references by appending an incremental number to the file name (the default option).
    • Update to existing references (only for definitions and message tracking schemes).
  • If the component has a reference that is not present in the destination locker, you can choose to:
    • Remove references
    • Duplicate references.
Dragging and dropping a component within the same locker

The component is moved. However:

  • If there is a component with the same name in the new location, a name conflict is indicated and you cannot check in your change.