Rhapsody's Show Uses functionality lists the name and path of all Rhapsody objects using a selected Rhapsody object.

Show Uses functionality is available for the following Rhapsody objects:

To determine where a Rhapsody object is being used in Rhapsody from the relevant Rhapsody object manager, the Object Browser or the Workspace:

  1. Select a Rhapsody object and then select the Show Uses button (or right-click on the Rhapsody object and select Show Uses). The Show Uses tab is displayed in the Information panel of Rhapsody IDE.

  2. To view or edit the configuration properties of a Rhapsody object using the selected Rhapsody object: 
    • Double-click on the Rhapsody object path.
    • Or alternatively, select the Rhapsody object and from the right-click menu, select Open Properties.

Alternatively, you can open the Show Uses functionality via the:

You must have locker view access rights to view show uses and locker edit rights to edit any configuration properties.