This section defines commonly used terms that are specific to Rhapsody.



Dynamic router An informal name for the Dynamic Router communication point.
Message A discrete block of data received, processed and sent by Rhapsody.
Message Collector A configurable element that enables filters to collect messages coming from multiple sources and process them as a batch.
Message tracking scheme Describes how Rhapsody performs message tracking and includes information such as the messages to track, what the different responses are, and what action should be taken in each case.
Message tracking Involves matching messages sent from Rhapsody to a remote system with an acknowledgment message received from that system, and taking a configurable action depending on the response.
Message throttling   Enables Rhapsody to manage the flow of messages through a route by limiting the number of messages that can be sent (output throttling) or received (input throttling) by a communication point in a given time period.
A universally unique identifier (a 128-bit number) used to identify Rhapsody objects internally in Rhapsody (with the exception of Rhapsody variables and security objects). Also known as a globally unique identifier (GUID).
Security object Certificates and keys that are stored in the Certificate and Key Manager.
Message property Data in the form of name-value strings that can be attached to a message and extracted from it. Message properties can be used to configure components by using the $propertyName notation.
Message event An occurrence that affects a message as it is processed through Rhapsody. Often simply referred to as an "event".


A set of components which are being watched together according to a notification schedule.


A configurable grouping of users that accords global access rights and locker access rights to its members. By default, Rhapsody has four groups: Administrator, Dashboard, Developer, and Monitoring.

Access rights Accord permissions to users for accessing various functionality within Rhapsody. Global access rights apply to the whole engine or all lockers, whereas locker access rights are specific to each locker.
Communication point

A component that interfaces with external systems. Input communication point usually refers to a communication point on the input side of a route. Likewise, output communication point usually refers to a communication point on the output side of a route.

Connector A component that enables messages to flow from one component to another. There are three types of connectors: standard, conditional and JavaScript.
Locker A special type of folder used to compartmentalize the configuration. Access to lockers can be restricted through access rights.
Folder A component used to group or organize components.
Route A component that represents the path taken by a message as it passes through the Rhapsody engine.
Filter A component that processes messages as they pass through a route.
Mapping project A Rhapsody object through which the Intelligent Mapper implements mappings.


An alert raised when user-defined conditions for a specific component in Rhapsody are met (indicating an issue that likely does not require action).


An alert raised when user-defined conditions for a specific component in Rhapsody are met (indicating an issue that likely requires action).


An alert that is raised when a specific issue has been in an alarm state for a user-defined period of time.

Dismissed issue

A dismissed issue is an issue that the user has specifically marked to say they have taken action to deal with the issue. It is meant to de-emphasize the issue so that issues that still need action appear more prominently.

Notification threshold

The threshold that defines when an issue type is raised as a warning or alarm is defined for each component, for example for each communication point or route.


A Rhapsody user. Users can be added to a group in order to administer, monitor or develop an engine. Users can log in, be set up to receive warnings, alarms and escalations for components, or be added to the notification schedule for a watchlist.

Notification schedule

Defines which users should be notified when alerts (warnings or alarms) are raised for components on a particular watchlist.

Issue type

The type of issue that can occur for a particular component (for example, Long Idle Time for a Communication Point). Each component type has a number of associated issue types. The System also has a number of associated issue types.


A situation triggered by a notification event that results in an alert (warning or alarm) being raised:

  • Numerical issue - an issue type whose associated alert (warning or alarm) is triggered by a numerical values (for example, large queue size, slow message processing).
  • Non-numerical issue - an issue type whose associated alert (warning or alarm) is triggered by a one-off notification event (for example, a communication point is stopped).
Notification event

An occurrence that triggers an issue in relation to alerts. Examples of notification events are: when a threshold has been exceeded (for issue types with thresholds, for example: Long Idle Time); or when the situation described by the issue type occurs (for issue types without thresholds, for example: Stopped in Error).

Often referred to as simply "event". Sometimes used as a synonym for issue.

Default thresholds

Globally, the administrator can configure:

  • Whether a specific issue type is raised by default.
  • Default thresholds for each of the issue types (for issue types where thresholds apply).
  • Whether a warning or alarm is raised by default (for issue types where thresholds do not apply).

Notifications for unmonitored components

Notifications for every component in the system. Global notifications are only sent if they are not already being sent to either a user, watchlist, SNMP or email address.


A collective term used for filters, communication points, connectors, routes, folders and lockers.


The email, text message or pager message configured in the Management Console that is sent to a user when an issue occurs.

Rhapsody object A collective term used for any Rhapsody-specific entities, such as: components, templates, web services, REST clients, security objects, Intelligent Mapper mapping projects, X12 projects, Rhapsody variables, shared JavaScript libraries, message tracking schemes, auxiliary files, message definitions.

A collective term used for warnings, alarms, and escalations. Alerts are raised when an issue occurs and indicate the severity of an issue.

Rhapsody variable Variables used for setting configuration properties for filters and communication points. They can be used to configure components by using the $(variableName) notation.
Filter test Used to test filters by comparing user-defined input messages to expected output messages.
Engine Refers specifically to an instance of a Rhapsody engine. Sometimes used interchangeably with the term Rhapsody. However, in some contexts, the term Rhapsody can refer to the Rhapsody system as a whole.
RDK Rhapsody Development Kit. Also referred to as the "Rhapsody RDK".

Refers to either the Rhapsody local configuration, or the compressed file (with the extension .rlc) which Rhapsody saves the Rhapsody local configuration to or loads it from. 

Archive cleanup Enables users to manage disk space usage by cleaning up archived messages.
Notifications delivery methods The delivery methods configured to send notifications (email, SMS, pager, SNMP).
Rhapsody toolkit A licensed add-on that is a collection of components designed for a specific application (for example the IHE Toolkit).
Datastore Refers to the data directory within the Rhapsody directory structure, which contains all configuration and administrative information and message directories.