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BIMP. Batch Image Manipulation Plugin.

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BIMP is a graphical batch plugin to apply a set of GIMP manipulations on groups of images.
You can use predefined manipulations like resize, crop, flip, rotate, color correction, sharpen, watermark, format conversion, rename, but you can also select other installed plugins or script-fu and apply them to each image.

Windows version and source code for Linux/Mac systems:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


- BIMP finally has an official installer for Windows!
- Faster startup
- Added Japanese translation

- Added start position chooser for Crop (issue #81, thanks to @thief425)
- Added support to ITEM datatype in "Other GIMP procedure" (issue #74)
- JPEG conversion always set the image to RGB (issue #88)
- Alpha channel is no more added by default during process
- Fixed error when importing an opened GIMP image that was not yet saved on file system
- Updated German translation (thanks to Christian Kühnemund)

This was just the thing I needed. Trying to figure out where to put the downloaded file slowed me down.

It went in C:\Users\MyUserName\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins.

Hello everyone! A new version has been released:

- New layout for add/remove files buttons
- "Add all opened images" feature
- "Keep modification dates" option
- GIF images was not saved when using "Color Correction"
- Updated Italian, Polish and Czech translations
- Little code and memory optimizations

Thank you so much.


Version 1.11:
- Added Czech translation (thanks to Stanislav Vágner)
- JPEG DCT settings was wrong (issue #64)
- Resize interpolation was not saved during "Save set" process (issue #63)

Thanks a lot. Keep it up.

- Added watermark alignment buttons for top-center, center-left, center-right, bottom-center (thanks to @Walt9Z)
- It's now possible to resize both dimension but keeping the aspect ratio. In this case, the pixel width/height are treated as maximum sizes for the resulting image. (issue #25) (thanks to @Walt9Z)
- Resize and Crop manipulations are now treated as "normal priority" steps. Previously they started first, now they follow the original order given by the user in the GUI (issue #53)
- It's now possible to select the current source folder as the output destination (only if every input file is located in it)
- Added "tall" smartphone screen Crop preset (for devices like iPhone 5+)
- JPEG subsampling settings was wrong (issue #52)
- Updated Italian translation

Thanks for the new version and for fixing the subsampling bug I reported. This plugin is incredibly useful to me, please keep up the good work.

Hi Peter, thank you for the report. Please check if everything is now ok with JPEG subsampling ;)


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