Casts a ray from *origin*, in *direction*, with length *distance* and returns
a HitInfo containing information about what it hit. This ray will only hit entities with a collider.
Use optional *traverse_target* to only be able to hit a specific entity and its children/descendants.
Use optional *ignore* list to ignore certain entities.
Setting debug to True will draw the line on screen.
Example where we only move if a wall is not hit:
from ursina import *
app = Ursina()
class Player(Entity):
def update(self):
self.direction = Vec3(
self.forward * (held_keys['w'] - held_keys['s'])
+ self.right * (held_keys['d'] - held_keys['a'])
).normalized() # get the direction we're trying to walk in.
origin = self.world_position + (self.up*.5) # the ray should start slightly up from the ground so we can walk up slopes or walk over small objects.
hit_info = raycast(origin , self.direction, ignore=(self,), distance=.5, debug=False)
ifnot hit_info.hit:
self.position += self.direction * 5 * time.dt
Player(model='cube', origin_y=-.5,
wall_left = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', scale_y=3, origin_y=-.5,, x=-4)
wall_right = duplicate(wall_left, x=4)
camera.y = 2
boxcast(origin, direction=(0,0,1), distance=9999, thickness=(1,1), traverse_target=scene, ignore=list(), debug=False) # similar to raycast, but with width and height
boxcast is similar to raycast, but the "ray" has thickness, height and width.
Check if a entity (with a collider) intersects other entities with colliders.
The mouse does raycast automatically.
Both UI elements(Entities parented to camera.ui) and Entities in 3d space (parented to scene) can
get hit as long as they have a collider. UI elements will however block things behind them.
mouse.hovered_entity returns
mouse.normal # returns the normal of the polygon, in local space.
mouse.world_normal # returns the normal of the polygon, in world space.
mouse.point # returns the point hit, in local space
mouse.world_point # returns the point hit, in world space
Handling clicks is very easy, just add a collider and on_click.
The on_click function will then be called when you click on the Entity with the mouse.
def action():
print('Ow! That hurt!')
Entity(model='quad', parent=camera.ui, scale=.1, collider='box', on_click=action) # on_click should be a function/callable/Func/Sequence