Connecting via Telnet

After installing the Pymakr Plugin, a device may be connected via the telnet interface. Please see the following steps:

  1. Ensure that Pycom device is turned on
  2. Connect the host computer to the WiFi Access Point named after your board (the SSID will be as follows e.g. lopy-wlan-xxxx, wipy-wlan-xxxx). The password is
  3. Open Atom and verify that the Pymakr Plugins has been installed
  4. In the menu, go to Atom > Preferences > Packages > Pymakr (This will vary from MacOS/Linux/Windows)
  5. By default, the address will be listed as If not, change this to
  6. The default username and password are micro and python, respectively
  7. Click Connect

In the lower portion of the screen, within the console, press Connect and the connection process will take place. Upon completion, a message stating ‘Connecting on’ will appear, followed a >>> prompt if successful.

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