LoRa Nano-Gateway (Raw LoRa)
This example allows a raw LoRa connection between two LoPys (nodes) to a single LoPy acting as a Nano-Gateway.
For more information and discussions about this code, see this forum post.
Gateway Gode
import socket
import struct
from network import LoRa
# A basic package header, B: 1 byte for the deviceId, B: 1 byte for the pkg size, %ds: Formated string for string
# A basic ack package, B: 1 byte for the deviceId, B: 1 bytes for the pkg size, B: 1 byte for the Ok (200) or error messages
# Open a LoRa Socket, use rx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, rx_iq=True)
lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
while (True):
recv_pkg = lora_sock.recv(512)
if (len(recv_pkg) > 2):
recv_pkg_len = recv_pkg[1]
device_id, pkg_len, msg = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % recv_pkg_len, recv_pkg)
# If the uart = machine.UART(0, 115200) and os.dupterm(uart) are set in the boot.py this print should appear in the serial port
print('Device: %d - Pkg: %s' % (device_id, msg))
ack_pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, device_id, 1, 200)
is used as a method of identifying the different devices within a network. The _LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT
is a simple ack
package as a response to the nodes package.
import os
import socket
import time
import struct
from network import LoRa
# A basic package header, B: 1 byte for the deviceId, B: 1 bytes for the pkg size
DEVICE_ID = 0x01
# Open a Lora Socket, use tx_iq to avoid listening to our own messages
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, tx_iq=True)
lora_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
# Package send containing a simple string
msg = "Device 1 Here"
pkg = struct.pack(_LORA_PKG_FORMAT % len(msg), DEVICE_ID, len(msg), msg)
# Wait for the response from the gateway. NOTE: For this demo the device does an infinite loop for while waiting the response. Introduce a max_time_waiting for you application
waiting_ack = True
recv_ack = lora_sock.recv(256)
if (len(recv_ack) > 0):
device_id, pkg_len, ack = struct.unpack(_LORA_PKG_ACK_FORMAT, recv_ack)
if (device_id == DEVICE_ID):
if (ack == 200):
waiting_ack = False
# If the uart = machine.UART(0, 115200) and os.dupterm(uart) are set in the boot.py this print should appear in the serial port
waiting_ack = False
# If the uart = machine.UART(0, 115200) and os.dupterm(uart) are set in the boot.py this print should appear in the serial port
print("Message Failed")
The node is always sending packages and waiting for the ack from the gateway.
To adapt this code to user specific needs:
- Put a max waiting time for the ack to arrive and resend the package or mark it as invalid
- Increase the package size changing the
to 'BH%ds'. The H will allow the keeping of 2 bytes for size (for more information about struct format) - Reduce the package size with bitwise manipulation
- Reduce the message size (for this demo, a string) to something more useful for specific development