1.1 What is a microcontroller

Microcontrollers are small computers that at the heart of many consumer products, and other computer automated devices. These small computers are used in industrial equipment, in microwaves, dishwashers, farms, medical applications, smart watches, coffee machines, exercise equipment… wherever computer automation is needed you can find a microcontroller.

The Robot In A Can microcontroller is called The EveBrain and it has a WiFi radio built in so it can also connect to the Internet. The EveBrain can be used in a wide variety of applications! You will need to put it together and program it to build the project you have in mind. Read this guide to get an idea of how it works and how you might use it!

There are so many different ways to make things using materials you can find almost anywhere. Or you can even practice the art of sourcing rare parts to build your specialized projects.

You can check out our website for more resources: www.robotinacan.com