Chapter 5 Phylogenetic Tree Annotation
5.1 Visualizing and Annotating Tree using Grammar of Graphics
The ggtree is designed for more general purpose or specific type of tree visualization and annotation. It supports grammar of graphics implemented in ggplot2 and users can freely visualize/annotate a tree by combining several annotation layers.
"(((ADH2:0.1[&&NHX:S=human], ADH1:0.11[&&NHX:S=human]):
treetext =0.05 [&&NHX:S=primates:D=Y:B=100],ADHY:
0.1[&&NHX:S=nematode],ADHX:0.12 [&&NHX:S=insect]):
ADH3:0.13[&&NHX:S=yeast], ADH2:0.12[&&NHX:S=yeast],
tree <-ggtree(tree) + geom_tiplab() +
geom_label(aes(x=branch, label=S), fill='lightgreen') +
geom_label(aes(label=D), fill='steelblue') +
geom_text(aes(label=B), hjust=-.5)
Here, as an example, we visualized the tree with several layers to display annotation stored in NHX tags, including a layer of geom_tiplab
to display tip labels (gene name in this case), a layer using geom_label
to show species information (S
tag) colored by lightgreen, a layer of duplication event information (D
tag) colored by steelblue and another layer using geom_text to show bootstrap value (B
Layers defined in ggplot2 can be applied to ggtree directly as demonstrated in Figure 5.1 of using geom_label and geom_text. But ggplot2 does not provide graphic layers that are specific designed for phylogenetic tree annotation. For instance, layers for tip labels, tree branch scale legend, highlight or labeling clade are all unavailable. To make tree annotation more flexible, a number of layers have been implemented in ggtree (Table 5.1), enabling different ways of annotation on various parts/components of a phylogenetic tree.
Layer | Description |
geom_balance | highlights the two direct descendant clades of an internal node |
geom_cladelabel | annotate a clade with bar and text label |
geom_facet | plot associated data in specific panel (facet) and align the plot with the tree |
geom_hilight | highlight selected clade with rectanglar or round shape |
geom_inset | add insets (subplots) to tree nodes |
geom_label2 | modified version of geom_label, with subsetting supported |
geom_nodepoint | annotate internal nodes with symbolic points |
geom_point2 | modified version of geom_point, with subsetting supported |
geom_range | bar layer to present uncertainty of evolutionary inference |
geom_rootpoint | annotate root node with symbolic point |
geom_rootedge | add root edge to a tree |
geom_segment2 | modified version of geom_segment, with subsetting supported |
geom_strip | annotate associated taxa with bar and (optional) text label |
geom_taxalink | Linking related taxa |
geom_text2 | modified version of geom_text, with subsetting supported |
geom_tiplab | layer of tip labels |
geom_tippoint | annotate external nodes with symbolic points |
geom_tree | tree structure layer, with multiple layout supported |
geom_treescale | tree branch scale legend |
5.2 Layers for Tree Annotation
5.2.1 Colored strips
ggtree (Yu et al. 2017) implements geom_cladelabel
layer to annotate a selected clade with a bar indicating the clade with a corresponding label.
The geom_cladelabel
layer accepts a selected internal node number and label corresponding clade automatically (Figure 5.2A). To get the internal node number, please refer to Chapter 2.
tree <- ggtree(tree) + xlim(NA, 6)
p <-
+ geom_cladelabel(node=45, label="test label") +
p geom_cladelabel(node=34, label="another clade")
Users can set the parameter, align = TRUE
, to align the clade label, offset
, to adjust the position and color to set the color of bar and label text etc (Figure 5.2B).
+ geom_cladelabel(node=45, label="test label", align=TRUE, offset = .2, color='red') +
p geom_cladelabel(node=34, label="another clade", align=TRUE, offset = .2, color='blue')
Users can change the angle
of the clade label text and relative position from text to bar via the parameter offset.text
. The size of the bar and text can be changed via the parameters barsize
and fontsize
respectively (Figure 5.2C).
+ geom_cladelabel(node=45, label="test label", align=T, angle=270, hjust='center', offset.text=.5, barsize=1.5) +
p geom_cladelabel(node=34, label="another clade", align=T, angle=45, fontsize=8)
Users can also use geom_label
to label the text and can set the background color by fill
parameter (Figure 5.2D).
+ geom_cladelabel(node=34, label="another clade", align=T, geom='label', fill='lightblue') p
also supports unrooted tree layouts (Figure 5.3A).
ggtree(tree, layout="daylight") +
geom_cladelabel(node=35, label="test label", angle=0,
fontsize=8, offset=.5, vjust=.5) +
geom_cladelabel(node=55, label='another clade',
angle=-95, hjust=.5, fontsize=8)
is designed for labeling Monophyletic (Clade) while there are related taxa that are not form a clade. ggtree
provides geom_strip
to add a strip/bar to indicate the association with optional label for Polyphyletic or Paraphyletic (Figure 5.3B).
+ geom_tiplab() +
p geom_strip('t10', 't30', barsize=2, color='red',
label="associated taxa", offset.text=.1) +
geom_strip('t1', 't18', barsize=2, color='blue',
label = "another label", offset.text=.1)
5.2.2 Highlight clades
implements geom_hilight
layer, that accepts an internal node number and add a layer of rectangle to highlight the selected clade Figure (5.4).12
system.file("extdata", "sample.nwk", package="treeio")
nwk <- read.tree(nwk)
tree <-ggtree(tree) + geom_hilight(node=21, fill="steelblue", alpha=.6) +
geom_hilight(node=17, fill="darkgreen", alpha=.6)
ggtree(tree, layout="circular") + geom_hilight(node=21, fill="steelblue", alpha=.6) +
geom_hilight(node=23, fill="darkgreen", alpha=.6)
The geom_hilight
layer also support highlighting clades for unrooted layout trees with round (‘encircle’) or rectangular (‘rect’) shape (Figure 5.4C).
## type can be 'encircle' or 'rect'
+ geom_hilight(node=55) +
pg geom_hilight(node=35, fill='darkgreen', type="rect")
Another way to highlight selected clades is setting the clades with different colors and/or line types as demonstrated in Figure 6.2.
In addition to geom_hilight
, ggtree
also implements geom_balance
which is designed to highlight neighboring subclades of a given internal node (Figure 5.4D).
ggtree(tree) +
geom_balance(node=16, fill='steelblue', color='white', alpha=0.6, extend=1) +
geom_balance(node=19, fill='darkgreen', color='white', alpha=0.6, extend=1)
The geom_hilight
layer supports using aesthetic mapping to automatically highlight clades as demonstrated in Figure 5.4E and 5.4F.
## using external data
data.frame(node=c(17, 21), type=c("A", "B"))
d <-ggtree(tree) + geom_hilight(data=d, aes(node=node, fill=type))
## using data stored in tree object
read.nhx(system.file("extdata/NHX/ADH.nhx", package="treeio"))
x <-ggtree(x) + geom_hilight(mapping=aes(subset = node %in% c(10, 12), fill = S)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("steelblue", "darkgreen"))
5.2.3 Taxa connection
Some evolutionary events (e.g. reassortment, horizontal gene transfer) cannot be modeled by a simple tree. ggtree provides geom_taxalink
layer that allows drawing straight or curved lines between any of two nodes in the tree, allow it to represent evolutionary events by connecting taxa. It works with rectangular (Figure 5.5A), circular (Figure 5.5B) and inward circular (Figure 5.5C) layouts.
The geom_taxalink
layout supports aesthetic mapping, which requires a data.frame
that stored association information with/without meta data as input (Figure 5.5D).
ggtree(tree) + geom_tiplab() + geom_taxalink(taxa1='A', taxa2='E') +
p1 <- geom_taxalink(taxa1='F', taxa2='K', color='red', linetype = 'dashed',
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.02, "npc")))
ggtree(tree, layout="circular") +
p2 <- geom_taxalink(taxa1='A', taxa2='E', color="grey", alpha=0.5, offset=0.05,
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
geom_taxalink(taxa1='F', taxa2='K', color='red', linetype = 'dashed', alpha=0.5, offset=0.05,
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
geom_taxalink(taxa1="L", taxa2="M", color="blue", alpha=0.5, offset=0.05,
hratio=0.8, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
# when the tree was created using reverse x,
# we can set outward to FALSE, which will generate the inward curve lines.
ggtree(tree, layout="inward_circular", xlim=150) +
p3 <- geom_taxalink(taxa1='A', taxa2='E', color="grey", alpha=0.5, offset=-0.2,
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
geom_taxalink(taxa1='F', taxa2='K', color='red', linetype = 'dashed', alpha=0.5, offset=-0.2,
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
geom_taxalink(taxa1="L", taxa2="M", color="blue", alpha=0.5, offset=-0.2,
arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01, "npc"))) +
data.frame(from=c("A", "F", "L"),
dat <-to=c("E", "K", "M"),
h=c(1, 1, 0.1),
type=c("t1", "t2", "t3"),
s=c(2, 1, 2))
ggtree(tree, layout="inward_circular", xlim=c(150, 0)) +
p4 <- geom_taxalink(data=dat,
offset=0.15) +
geom_tiplab(hjust=1) +
::plot_grid(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2, labels=LETTERS[1:4]) cowplot
5.2.4 Uncertainty of evolutionary inference
The geom_range
layer supports displaying interval (highest posterior density, confidence interval, range) as horizontal bars on tree nodes. The center of the interval will anchor to corresponding node. The center by default is the mean value of the interval (Figure 5.6A). We can set the center
to estimated mean or median value (Figure 5.6B), or observed value. As the tree branch and the interval may not be in the same scale, ggtree provides scale_x_range
to add second x axis for the range (Figure 5.6C). Note that x axis is disable by default theme and we need to enable it if we want to dispaly it (e.g. theme_tree2
file <- system.file("extdata/MEGA7", "mtCDNA_timetree.nex", package = "treeio")
x <- read.mega(file)
p1 <- ggtree(x) + geom_range('reltime_0.95_CI', color='red', size=3, alpha=.3)
p2 <- ggtree(x) + geom_range('reltime_0.95_CI', color='red', size=3, alpha=.3, center='reltime')
p3 <- p2 + scale_x_range() + theme_tree2()
5.3 Tree annotation with output from evolution software
5.3.1 Tree annotation using data from evolutionary analysis software
Chapter 1 introduced using treeio packages to parse different tree formats and commonly used software outputs to obtain phylogeny-associated data. These imported data as S4
objects can be visualized directly using ggtree. Figure 5.1 demonstrates a tree annotated using the information (species classification, duplication event and bootstrap value) stored in NHX file. PHYLDOG and RevBayes output NHX files that can be parsed by treeio and visualized by ggtree with annotation using their inference data.
Furthermore, the evolutionary data from the inference of BEAST, MrBayes and RevBayes, dN/dS values inferred by CodeML, ancestral sequences inferred by HyPhy, CodeML or BaseML and short read placement by EPA and pplacer can be used to annotate the tree directly.
system.file("extdata/BEAST", "beast_mcc.tree", package="treeio")
file <- read.beast(file)
beast <-ggtree(beast, aes(color=rate)) +
geom_range(range='length_0.95_HPD', color='red', alpha=.6, size=2) +
geom_nodelab(aes(x=branch, label=round(posterior, 2)), vjust=-.5, size=3) +
scale_color_continuous(low="darkgreen", high="red") +
theme(legend.position=c(.1, .8))
In Figure 5.7, the tree was visualized and annotated with posterior > 0.9 and demonstrated length uncertainty (95% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) interval).
Ancestral sequences inferred by HyPhy can be parsed using treeio, whereas the substitutions along each tree branch was automatically computed and stored inside the phylogenetic tree object (i.e., S4
object). The ggtree can utilize this information in the object to annotate the tree, as demonstrated in Figure 5.8.
system.file("extdata/HYPHY", "labelledtree.tree",
nwk <-package="treeio")
system.file("extdata/HYPHY", "ancseq.nex",
ancseq <-package="treeio")
system.file("extdata", "pa.fas", package="treeio")
tipfas <- read.hyphy(nwk, ancseq, tipfas)
hy <-ggtree(hy) +
geom_text(aes(x=branch, label=AA_subs), size=2,
vjust=-.3, color="firebrick")
PAML’s BaseML and CodeML can be also used to infer ancestral sequences, whereas CodeML can infer selection pressure. After parsing this information using treeio, ggtree can integrate this information into the same tree structure and used for annotation as illustrated in Figure 5.9.
system.file("extdata/PAML_Codeml", "rst",
rstfile <-package="treeio")
system.file("extdata/PAML_Codeml", "mlc",
mlcfile <-package="treeio")
read.codeml(rstfile, mlcfile)
ml <-ggtree(ml, aes(color=dN_vs_dS), branch.length='dN_vs_dS') +
scale_color_continuous(name='dN/dS', limits=c(0, 1.5),
low='darkgreen', high='red') +
geom_text(aes(x=branch, label=AA_subs),
vjust=-.5, color='steelblue', size=2) +
theme_tree2(legend.position=c(.9, .3))
Not only all the tree data that parsed by treeio can be used to visualize and annotate phylogenetic tree using ggtree
, but also other tree and tree-like objects defined in R community are supported. The ggtree plays an unique role in R ecosystem to facilitate phylogenetic analysis and it can be easily integrated into other packages and pipelines. For more details, please refer to chapter 9. In addition to direct support of tree objects, ggtree also allow users to plot tree with different types of external data (see also chapter 7 and (Yu et al. 2018)).
5.4 Summary
ggtree implements grammar of graphics for annotating phylogenetic trees. Users can use ggplot2 syntax to combine different annotation layers to produce complex tree annotation. If you are familiar with ggplot2, tree annotation with high level of customization can be intuitive and flexible using ggtree.
Yu, Guangchuang, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Huachen Zhu, and Yi Guan. 2018. “Two Methods for Mapping and Visualizing Associated Data on Phylogeny Using Ggtree.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 35 (12): 3041–3.
Yu, Guangchuang, David K. Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, and Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam. 2017. “Ggtree: An R Package for Visualization and Annotation of Phylogenetic Trees with Their Covariates and Other Associated Data.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (1): 28–36.