My Blog: projects, sketches, works in progress, thoughts, and inspiration.

Category: art

This Processing application uses the audio spectrum values to generate a 3d visualization. The first row of the 2d array gets it’s values from the audio input and all subsequent rows take the previous one’s each frame, multiplied by a decay factor. the result is this undulation 3d grid. The script uses the OpenGL library to handle the 3d environment and the ESS sound library to get the audio spectrum.

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I’m working to create a section of my site for interactive applets, but in the meantime i have also gotten a vimeo account to post videos of what I’m working on, especially my work with processing. There’s not much there yet, but I’ll be putting things up as i go.

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I created a relatively simple recursive algorithm in Processing which allows me to control any number of parameters of a geometric fractal. The function repeats it self changing parameters for the size and position and then calls another function to render a predefined graphic using the resulting data. Based on a set percentage and a randomized number, the function also recalls itself twice, causing the graphic system to branch.

Adjusting the initial parameter for the first call to the function, those for how each generation is calculated, and the graphic function can produce innumerable different forms and textures. These are a few images I have created using the scripts. Processing also has the ability to export graphics as vector graphics, which can be scaled and used in vector software such as Illustrator. I am working on an application which will allow the parameters to be changed through an interface within the application.

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Shutter feed is a project of mine from last spring which is currently on display in the Rosenberg Gallery on the MICA campus. The piece is a program which takes a webcam feed and continually overlays each frame and adjusts the image. The result reacts differently depending on the the lighting. In a dark area one can paint with a small light source and in a lit environment it produces slowly evolving ghostly images.

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a m hillman designs



Beginning my forays into digital media four or five years ago, I have since explored vector drawing, digital painting, photography, 3d modeling and animation, web design, net art, sound, and myriad other experiments. More recently, my interests have shifted to interactive media and generative graphics. My work focuses on design, both in terms of functionality and aesthetic interest, and on interactivity.

This blog serves as a catalog of my work including ongoing projects and sketches. It also will serve as a resource to my peers, having scripts and tutorials for languages and software i work with and other general information.

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map of southern Africa

africa_photo_grassEtosha National Park—Namibia

little bee eaters—Okovango River, Botswana

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Mandala 36 & 38


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Vector illustrations created manually by iterated transformations.

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Mandala 9 & 18


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mandala 9

mandala 9

Digital vector mandalas created with Adobe Illustrator

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