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Tagged: cellular automata

After playing with binary cellular automata I thought I’d expand the script a little to accommodate more than two states of a pixel. Three loops are nested and each is iterated once for each state. If the index of each loop equals the three values above the current point the function returns the current state of a counter which is incremented in the innermost loop. In a binary system this is a little more complex than just testing each of the eight possible combinations, but is almost necessary when dealing with more states. I’ll post my code at the bottom of this post. But first, some pretty pictures.

processing cellular automata 4

processing cellular automata 3

processing cellular automata 2

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cellular automata evolutions

This afternoon I played around with 1d cellular automata. The program is creates an array of cells which corresponds to a row of pixels on the screen. Each new generation of the structure is represented by the next row of pixels and the value (black or white) of each pixel is based on the three directly above it. There are eight possibilities for the pattern of the three parent pixels and an array of eight values stores the results to each of these possibilities. Changing the rule-set and the values of the first generation creates vastly different images. The script I was using was very much based off of Dan Shiffman’s code.


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