My Blog: projects, sketches, works in progress, thoughts, and inspiration.

Tagged: noise

Until recently I’ve just been saving all of my images out of Processing using a simple saveFrame command and throwing all of my images into one giant folder. Looking into this folder I see a few key problems. I’ve come up with a little system to help me keep better track of renderings of my generative works. Unfortunately it won’t work retroactively, but it’ll be useful for future work, and perhaps it can be helpful to some other Processors.

This very adding this very simple snipped to a Processing sketch will save out an png of the render window whenever the ‘s’ key is pressed. #### will be replaced by the current frame number.

void keyPressed() {
  if (key=='s') {

This works out pretty nicely, but if you run the sketch twice and just happen to press ‘s’ on the same frame the first image will be overwritten. Another issue, which might not seem to bad until you have a huge library of images built up, is the order of the files. If the sketch is run many times, all the saved images will be mixed together. Ideally images saved from one run of the sketch should be named sequentially so all the images from one run can be seen together.

Adding an arbitrary value to the particular run and sticking it into the file name fixes these two issues. Many of my scripts include a function to reset the program so it can be run a few times without being completely restarted. In this case, incrementing this arbitrary global value maintains the order of a set of runs.

int G;

void setup() {


void draw() {

void keyPressed() {
  if (key=='s') {
  } else
  if (keyCode==BACKSPACE || keyCode==DELETE) {
    // code to reset script

This system isn’t perfect, but is a vast organizational improvement for just a few extra lines of code

Another useful trick, if you have a script which utilizes a lot of Perlin Noise, is the set the noiseSeed to a random integer (like G in the script above), and include that in the file name. This way, if you want to rerun the script with the same parameters later, you can always set G to the integer in the file name of a particular saved image.

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perlin noise flow field particle system 3151

Perlin noise is a pseudo-random gradient texture, developed by Ken Perlin beginning with his work on the 1982 movie Tron. It continues to be a great tool to create textures and dynamic elements. The function generates a continuous string of values in any number of dimensions. Although it was initially developed to build textures it can be very useful for many other things such as particle motion. Noise is generated by a series oscillations over a variety of frequencies, similar to an audio signal.

Processing supports Perlin noise in up to three dimensions and can be implemented by calling the noise function with the parameters for the coordinate. I’ve been playing with using Three dimensional noise to create an animated force field or flow field in which particles move and thought I’d build a little tutorial to demonstrate some useful applications.

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