My Blog: projects, sketches, works in progress, thoughts, and inspiration.

Once again, It was time for a complete re-design of my website.

After a few frustrating iterations, my previous design was just something created to be as simple as possible so I didn’t screw anything up. White background, black text, lots of pictures. It worked out pretty well, but it didn’t exactly sell me as a web designer (to be fair this one isn’t very web-designer-ish either). It was also a little cold and unfriendly. It also had some formal issues, such as wide text columns.

This new site fixes these issues, and is also generally more visually interesting.


The Blog layout stayed more or less the same. The post meta-data is in the left column followed by the main column for the post content. A third column, on the right hand side, can be used to annotate images and other elements within a post. I’ve also added a fancy tag cloud and page numbers thanks to a nifty plugin. I’ve been struggling between having a wide column with nice big images, and a thinner, easier to read, column, with smaller images. To try and get the best of both, I added Thickbox (sorry Lokesh, I was already using jQuery).

I feel my work is much more effective when it is larger and I had to sacrifice larger images in my blog for the sake of the layout. Thickbox helped this some, but just to make sure, I added the option to add a custom background to every blog post and page. Someone with a larger screen looking at on of my projects will see an elegant column of images, but will also have it filling in the background around the page. To enhance this I also have custom highlight colors to match the background image. Any page that shows multiple posts pulls these custom options from the top post.

The Home Page has grown substantially. A work from my portfolio is still featured at the top and it’s background pulled. I’ve also added more links to other parts of my site and around the web, and a silly picture of me, just for fun.

My Portfolio now has three viewing modes (large images, excerpts, and thumbnails) and benefited from other site wide additions.

As of right now I still have some little tweaks to make, but everything seems to be pretty much in place. I hope to get some feedback from everyone on the new page look. Comment below, or try my fancy new contact form.

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In my blog I frequently share code for little projects in Processing & Arduino. It’s always bothered me to look at the black and white text which, in comparison to the beautifully colored code in various editors, is quite a strain to read. I considered a few ways to do this, primarily client side with JavaScript, server side with PHP, or something pre-formatted in any language.

I decided to write a script to add in the necessary HTML to color the code, which I could then paste into my site. Although this does add a fair amount more to the size of the HTML files on the site I decided it was the best way to go. A server side script, probably built into a WordPress Plugin, would be nice and easy to use, but it would be run every time the page was loaded and would be a load on the server. A JavaScript highlighter would also work well, but it would still be a large script anyway and it would add the hassle of browser inconsistencies and run time on slower browsers.

Since I was building this script I wanted to make it available to others. The Processing and Arduino communities, which the script is built for, are both great about sharing code, and this will make sharing just a little bit easier.

Processing & Arduino Code Formatter Screenshot

The script is built into a simple site at You can paste your code into the page, adjust the settings, and format it. The script returns the HTML and a chunk of CSS based on the styles you selected on the first page. Paste the HTML into your site and either add the given CSS or use it as a model to write your own.

In my blog its styled to look something like this. Unfortunately it’s still black in rss readers.

processing code
code formatter
Sample Processing Code

/* sample processing code */
/* analog clock */
PVector mid;
float sc, mn, hr, s, m, h;

void setup() {
  mid=new PVector(width/2,height/2,0);

void draw() {
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I cracked open the old Processing Particle System again and tried something a little bit different.

Beginning with particles moving through a Perlin Flow Field I moved them into 3d. Since my particle system is built on the PVector class, adding the third dimension was a simple matter of adding a third parameter to every call to a new PVector and adding either the P3D or OpenGL (used for all the images here) rendering engine. An extra force pushes the particles up through space an array stores the previous locations for each particle. As particles die an instance of another object is created, exclusively for storing and rendering these paths.

Another addition causes the growing strands to bud. The budded particles inherit the properties from the parent. Changing the forces between particles, the branching rate, and the environmental properties creates many different structures.

Processing Particle Generated Tree

Processing Particle Generated Tree

As the script runs, a cloud of particles drifts up through space leaving behind a colorful twisted shrubbery. Using the mouse and keyboard the camera can be moved around the structure while it generates itself.

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Until recently I’ve just been saving all of my images out of Processing using a simple saveFrame command and throwing all of my images into one giant folder. Looking into this folder I see a few key problems. I’ve come up with a little system to help me keep better track of renderings of my generative works. Unfortunately it won’t work retroactively, but it’ll be useful for future work, and perhaps it can be helpful to some other Processors.

This very adding this very simple snipped to a Processing sketch will save out an png of the render window whenever the ‘s’ key is pressed. #### will be replaced by the current frame number.

void keyPressed() {
  if (key=='s') {

This works out pretty nicely, but if you run the sketch twice and just happen to press ‘s’ on the same frame the first image will be overwritten. Another issue, which might not seem to bad until you have a huge library of images built up, is the order of the files. If the sketch is run many times, all the saved images will be mixed together. Ideally images saved from one run of the sketch should be named sequentially so all the images from one run can be seen together.

Adding an arbitrary value to the particular run and sticking it into the file name fixes these two issues. Many of my scripts include a function to reset the program so it can be run a few times without being completely restarted. In this case, incrementing this arbitrary global value maintains the order of a set of runs.

int G;

void setup() {


void draw() {

void keyPressed() {
  if (key=='s') {
  } else
  if (keyCode==BACKSPACE || keyCode==DELETE) {
    // code to reset script

This system isn’t perfect, but is a vast organizational improvement for just a few extra lines of code

Another useful trick, if you have a script which utilizes a lot of Perlin Noise, is the set the noiseSeed to a random integer (like G in the script above), and include that in the file name. This way, if you want to rerun the script with the same parameters later, you can always set G to the integer in the file name of a particular saved image.

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Despite all the work I’ve been doing with Processing I don’t have many of the functional applets on the web. This is partly due to issues with embedding applets into WordPress posts. WordPress, the content management system I use for this site, is a great tool, but it has an unfortunate habit of screwing up code posted within the page content.

There are, of course, plugins to get around such issues, but I have a better plan. I’m building a WordPress plugin expressly for embedding Processing sketches. I’ve built a very basic version without any admin options. Inserting a simple shortcode into a post adds the applet. The shortcode is contained in brackets and simply reads ‘processing file=”path/to/file.jar” width=”450″ height=”250″‘. The .jar file can be uploaded with the media uploader within the “edit post” page in the WordPress admin or through the media library. The plugin includes the core.jar, so only the specific (and fairly small) .jar file for the applet needs to be uplaoded.

My basic script suits my own needs, but I’m working on an expanded version with an admin panel to set default options, alt text, and styles. I’m also not sure how this will render in RSS readers (probably not well but it should work in the site).

If you have any questions or suggestions on how I should move forward with this or features I should include leave a comment. The plugin should be available within the next few weeks.

see how it looks »

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