My Blog: projects, sketches, works in progress, thoughts, and inspiration.

Category: art

So. In the past, I’ve dabbled in sounds and have worked with sound as components of other projects such as games. More recently, in the past few months, I’ve been looking to create audio works which are more able to stand on their own. Here are my first three works.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

I won’t apologize too much. It’s probably clear I’m new to this, but I think it’s important that I get it on the internet. Any feedback is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance internet.

All of the original audio was either created in Pure Data or sampled from recordings around Baltimore. Thanks very much to Andy Mangold and Dai Foldes for the audio recorder. Samples were processed in Audacity and Adobe Soundbooth and arranged in Ableton Live.

Song 3: Audio SpectrumAudio spectrum visualization of a section of the third track. Click to enlarge.
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HowWeBuildTheWeb is an informal research piece which explores how web designers and developers learn their craft. I had hypothesized that most learned primarily outside of institutions from their peers, either in person or through the web. So far this is overwhelmingly the case.

Visit HowWeBuildTheWeb.netVisit the site.

The site asks designers and developers how and when they first learned their skills and graphs the data over time, showing time horizontally and educational source by the color. Each participant is shown as a block on the timeline. Clicking on each will show more detailed information including answers to a number of qualitative questions about their experience and the web in general.

Check out the site to see peoples responses and how the education of web designers has changed over time. If you make websites, contribute and share your experience.

On a technical side, the site consists of two main components, a form and a set of data visualizations. Form design is a complex art. I used a few common techniques to make it easier to use. The form is organized by the type of information, large fields are shrunk while they are empty, and lists are extended as necessary. There’s also a sneaky login system that I did my best to hide. After submitting, users can edit their information and resubmit. If they return to the page much later, clicking the edit link will let them enter their email and password.

The data visualizations are primarily handled with PHP, HTML, and CSS. The timeline is a table (the first html table I’ve ever made ever). Cells that represent individuals have classes and other attributes so they are colored and clickable. The table handles all of the scaling. The area graph is just a couple of divs with style attributes dropped in for the width. Nothing too fancy.

The site is built on my favorite frameworks: Codeigniter, a php library, and jQuery, for a few javascript touches.

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Website of Anthony Mattox version 10

Oh wow. Look at this cool new website. Yes, for sure, it is both of those things.

I’ve been working on this new website for quite a while. It’s still, of course, a bit of a work in progress, but with a little luck everything is working. I’m still building my portfolio here. The system I have set up, again using WordPress, is fairly flexible so I can do some nice things in the future. You’ll also find a much better homepage which does a better job, I think, of showing off my work. You’ll also find some nice little changes such as a fancy new favicon, which now makes some sense, and keyboard navigation in the portfolio.

If you catch any bugs or if you have any suggestions let me know.

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Wide Angle of Exhibition of Generative Works

I have an exhibition up at the Maryland Institute College of Art. One of a number of exhibitions awarded to students. The exhibitions consists of a number of large scale prints of work I have done with Processing over the last two years. These works are largely based on particle systems which create intricate and organic patterns. Many of the programs written to generate these images can be played with at

More information on particular works can be found in my portfolio and in related posts in my blog

The exhibition runs until Oct. 15. There will be a reception (with snacks!) on Friday Sept. 24 from 5-7pm.

It’s located in the Gateway building at MICA, 1501 Mt. Royal Ave, Baltimore MD.

The prints in the show are for sale. Contact me if you are interested. The large prints are all unique compositions and are for sale for $300. The smaller poster prints are in editions of 20 prints for $40′s each. All are high quality ink jet prints on archival matte paper.

Close up on Large Print of Processing Work


Exhibition with Cell Cluster Prints

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The List List - a net art piece by Anthony Mattox

The List List is net art* piece I’ve been working on for the past few months. It is a collaborative list of lists, an open platform for everyones favorite superlatives.*the deacons of new media art might not agree as it isn’t ugly as sin and the concept isn’t unbelievable convoluted and yet meaningless.

On the site, you can create lists and vote lists and items within them up and down. The goal is just to build a collection of fun and humorous lists.

The site has been an enormous technical exercise in precisely executing a complex web page. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is one of the more involved sites I’ve built. Including a number of interactions with the database and an extensive collection of ajax scripts so that all the site’s functions can be used without reloading the page and with a flourish of sleek animations.

It’s very easy to get burned out on a piece with just a few details left to go. I did my best to polish every detail of the The List List, making every transition smooth and considering every graphic, semantic, and functional minutia.

I built the site using CodeIgniter, a php framework, and jQuery. CodeIgniter was probably not necessary, but it made laying out the foundation super fast. jQuery is of course great for animations and simplifying Ajax scripts.

The List List - a net art piece by Anthony Mattox

Go have some fun with it.

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Another poster for the Ligetisplit Ensemble.

The poster is a little atypical, but I tried to establish the relevant hierarchy of information in new ways to create an interesting poster. The title is near the bottom of the poster, but is large enough be the focal point. The background graphics also bring attention to it.

Other key information, for someone who wants to attend, is closest to the top-left, in a position of attention. Little icons also help to make their purpose clear at a glance.

The graphics were created in illustrator using transform tools, something I’ve been playing with in my make something cool everyday project.

New Music Exhibition - Poster for the Ligetisplit Ensemble

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In the shadow of Mark Weaver, my friends Andy Mangold and Jonnie Hallman, and many other more talented humans than myself, I’ve decided to make something cool. Every day.

Anthony Mattox: Make Something Cool Every Day

Every day I plan to spend around 15 to 30 minutes making some quick piece of artwork, either an image, flash applet, processing sketch, sound, or any other medium. The project is meant to keep me productive and be engaged in at least a little something creative every day. It’s also a place where I can exercise and develop skills which I don’t normally have many opportunities to use. Generally I like to work on larger scale projects, and, while this is a very large project, it’ll get me doing something a little different every day. I’m also hoping some of these sketches will set off other, more complete works. Hopefully I can stick to my time constraints so it doesn’t become a burden that I give up.

I began the project about a month ago to build up some content before I publicize it (also while I fixed things in the website). So I’ve got a good batch of things there already. Check out the project at and subscribe to the feed at

The nerd stuff: The site is built with codeigniter and jQuery. This is the second project I’ve used codeigniter for and I’m pretty happy with it. The site still has some kinks in it. Aside from those two frameworks, I built everything else from there up for my own edification and for more control. Bugs and more features will slowly be fixed and added.

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I’ve just finished a website for this cute girl I know, Rachel Verhaaren. She is a photographer, and a student here at MICA. Her work has really fantastic colors and textures (two of my favorite things), especially her large format photographs and often focus on optics and perception.

Most photographers seem to want the most minimal of sites, a white or dark grey page with their work in the middle. I felt it was more appropriate to give it just a little bit more color and give visitors a good impression of Rachel’s work as soon as they open the page, something few photographer’s sites do. WIth that in mind, her portfolio is on the front page with large images linking to sets of images.

website of Rachel Verhaaren - home page

Some nice javascript touches are built with jQuery and the site is powered by WordPress.

website of Rachel Verhaaren - portfolio page

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Here is a poster I designed for an event held by the Ligetisplit Ensemble, a musical group in Baltimore. The event, a History of Electronic Music Instruments, should be a good night.

I used an old Processing sketch which visualized an audio stream. The typography isn’t quite what I usually do, but it seemed appropriate for the event. It probably isn’t that unusual anyway.


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