
mne.set_eeg_reference(inst, ref_channels='average', copy=True, projection=False, ch_type='auto', forward=None, *, joint=False, verbose=None)[source]#

Specify which reference to use for EEG data.

Use this function to explicitly specify the desired reference for EEG. This can be either an existing electrode or a new virtual channel. This function will re-reference the data according to the desired reference.

Note that it is also possible to re-reference the signal using a Laplacian (LAP) “reference-free” transformation using the compute_current_source_density() function.

instinstance of Raw | Epochs | Evoked

Instance of Raw or Epochs with EEG channels and reference channel(s).

ref_channelslist of str | str | dict

Can be:

  • The name(s) of the channel(s) used to construct the reference for every channel of ch_type.

  • 'average' to apply an average reference (default)

  • 'REST' to use the Reference Electrode Standardization Technique infinity reference [1].

  • A dictionary mapping names of data channels to (lists of) names of reference channels. For example, {‘A1’: ‘A3’} would replace the data in channel ‘A1’ with the difference between ‘A1’ and ‘A3’. To take the average of multiple channels as reference, supply a list of channel names as the dictionary value, e.g. {‘A1’: [‘A2’, ‘A3’]} would replace channel A1 with A1 - mean(A2, A3).

  • An empty list, in which case MNE will not attempt any re-referencing of the data


Specifies whether the data will be copied (True) or modified in-place (False). Defaults to True.


If ref_channels='average' this argument specifies if the average reference should be computed as a projection (True) or not (False; default). If projection=True, the average reference is added as a projection and is not applied to the data (it can be applied afterwards with the apply_proj method). If projection=False, the average reference is directly applied to the data. If ref_channels is not 'average', projection must be set to False (the default in this case).

ch_typelist of str | str

The name of the channel type to apply the reference to. Valid channel types are 'auto', 'eeg', 'ecog', 'seeg', 'dbs'. If 'auto', the first channel type of eeg, ecog, seeg or dbs that is found (in that order) will be selected.

New in v0.19.

Changed in version 1.2: list-of-str is now supported with projection=True.

forwardinstance of Forward | None

Forward solution to use. Only used with ref_channels='REST'.

New in v0.21.


How to handle list-of-str ch_type. If False (default), one projector is created per channel type. If True, one projector is created across all channel types. This is only used when projection=True.

New in v1.2.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.

instinstance of Raw | Epochs | Evoked

Data with EEG channels re-referenced. If ref_channels="average" and projection=True a projection will be added instead of directly re-referencing the data.


Array of reference data subtracted from EEG channels. This will be None if projection=True, or if ref_channels is "REST" or a dict.

See also


Convenience function for creating bipolar references.


Some common referencing schemes and the corresponding value for the ref_channels parameter:

  • Average reference:

    A new virtual reference electrode is created by averaging the current EEG signal by setting ref_channels='average'. Bad EEG channels are automatically excluded if they are properly set in info['bads'].

  • A single electrode:

    Set ref_channels to a list containing the name of the channel that will act as the new reference, for example ref_channels=['Cz'].

  • The mean of multiple electrodes:

    A new virtual reference electrode is created by computing the average of the current EEG signal recorded from two or more selected channels. Set ref_channels to a list of channel names, indicating which channels to use. For example, to apply an average mastoid reference, when using the 10-20 naming scheme, set ref_channels=['M1', 'M2'].

  • REST

    The given EEG electrodes are referenced to a point at infinity using the lead fields in forward, which helps standardize the signals.

  • Different references for different channels

    Set ref_channels to a dictionary mapping source channel names (str) to the reference channel names (str or list of str). Unlike the other approaches where the same reference is applied globally, you can set different references for different channels with this method. For example, to re-reference channel ‘A1’ to ‘A2’ and ‘B1’ to the average of ‘B2’ and ‘B3’, set ref_channels={'A1': 'A2', 'B1': ['B2', 'B3']}. Warnings are issued when a mapping involves bad channels or channels of different types.

  1. If a reference is requested that is not the average reference, this function removes any pre-existing average reference projections.

  2. During source localization, the EEG signal should have an average reference.

  3. In order to apply a reference, the data must be preloaded. This is not necessary if ref_channels='average' and projection=True.

  4. For an average or REST reference, bad EEG channels are automatically excluded if they are properly set in info['bads'].

New in v0.9.0.


Examples using mne.set_eeg_reference#

Modifying data in-place

Modifying data in-place

Importing data from EEG devices

Importing data from EEG devices