
class mne.viz.EvokedField(evoked, surf_maps, *, time=None, time_label='t = %0.0f ms', n_jobs=None, fig=None, vmax=None, n_contours=21, show_density=True, alpha=None, interpolation='nearest', interaction='terrain', time_viewer='auto', verbose=None)[source]#

Plot MEG/EEG fields on head surface and helmet in 3D.

evokedinstance of mne.Evoked

The evoked object.


The surface mapping information obtained with make_field_map.

timefloat | None

The time point at which the field map shall be displayed. If None, the average peak latency (across sensor types) is used.

time_labelstr | None

How to print info about the time instant visualized.

n_jobsint | None

The number of jobs to run in parallel. If -1, it is set to the number of CPU cores. Requires the joblib package. None (default) is a marker for ‘unset’ that will be interpreted as n_jobs=1 (sequential execution) unless the call is performed under a joblib.parallel_config context manager that sets another value for n_jobs.

figinstance of Figure3D | None

If None (default), a new figure will be created, otherwise it will plot into the given figure.

New in v0.20.

vmaxfloat | dict | None

Maximum intensity. Can be a dictionary with two entries "eeg" and "meg" to specify separate values for EEG and MEG fields respectively. Can be None to use the maximum value of the data.

New in v0.21.

New in v1.4: vmax can be a dictionary to specify separate values for EEG and MEG fields.


The number of contours.

New in v0.21.


Whether to draw the field density as an overlay on top of the helmet/head surface. Defaults to True.

alphafloat | dict | None

Opacity of the meshes (between 0 and 1). Can be a dictionary with two entries "eeg" and "meg" to specify separate values for EEG and MEG fields respectively. Can be None to use 1.0 when a single field map is shown, or dict(eeg=1.0, meg=0.5) when both field maps are shown.

New in v1.4.

interpolationstr | None

Interpolation method (scipy.interpolate.interp1d parameter). Must be one of 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' or 'cubic'.

New in v1.6.

interaction‘trackball’ | ‘terrain’

How interactions with the scene via an input device (e.g., mouse or trackpad) modify the camera position. If 'terrain', one axis is fixed, enabling “turntable-style” rotations. If 'trackball', movement along all axes is possible, which provides more freedom of movement, but you may incidentally perform unintentional rotations along some axes. Defaults to 'terrain'.

New in v1.1.

time_viewerbool | str

Display time viewer GUI. Can also be "auto", which will mean True if there is more than one time point and False otherwise.

New in v1.6.

verbosebool | str | int | None

Control verbosity of the logging output. If None, use the default verbosity level. See the logging documentation and mne.verbose() for details. Should only be passed as a keyword argument.



Adjust the number of contour lines to use when drawing the fieldlines.


Set the time to display (in seconds).

set_vmax(vmax[, kind])

Change the color range of the density maps.


The figure will publish and subscribe to the following UI events:


Adjust the number of contour lines to use when drawing the fieldlines.


The number of contour lines to use.


Set the time to display (in seconds).


The time to show, in seconds.

set_vmax(vmax, kind='meg')[source]#

Change the color range of the density maps.


The new maximum value of the color range.

kind‘meg’ | ‘eeg’

Which field map to apply the new color range to.

Examples using mne.viz.EvokedField#

Visualizing Evoked data

Visualizing Evoked data

Using the event system to link figures

Using the event system to link figures