Team Intros

This year our team is composed of 3 students, Brody, Derek and Jack.


Fig. 24 From left to right: Jack, Derek, Brody.

Brody Muzzy


This is his fourth year doing VEX Robotics and his four year with us. He is the Lead strategist, is a drive team member, and Scout.

Derek Mullins


This is his seventh year doing VEX Robotics and his fourth year with us. He is the builder and the driver for our team.

Jack Kinsella


This is his seventh year doing VEX Robotics and his fourth year with us. He is the programmer, is on the drive team and the lead on the notebook team.

Subdivisions of our team

Drive Team

Brody, Derek, Jack

Scouting Team


Build Team


Programming Team


Strategist Team

Brody, Derek, Jack

Engineering Notebook Team

Brody, Derek, Jack


Last Edited on 8/31/21.