Tipping Point Scoring Details

Scoring Table

Ring On / in a Scored Mobile Goal

Mobile Goal High Branch

10 Points

Any Other Mobile Goal Branch

3 Points

Mobile Goal Base

1 Point

Neutral Mobile Goal

Either Alliance’s Home Zone

20 Points

Elevated on a Balanced Platform

40 Points

Alliance Mobile Goal

Correct Alliance’s Home Zone

20 Points

Elevated on correct Alliance’s Balanced Platform

40 Points


Elevated on correct Alliance’s Balanced Platform

30 Points


Wins Autonomous Bonus

20 Points

Autonomous Period

A fifteen second (0:15) time period during which Robots operate and react only to sensor inputs and to commands pre-programmed by the Students into the Robot control system.

Win Points (WP)

The first basis of ranking Teams. Teams will receive zero (0), one (1), two (2) or three (3) Win Points for each Qualification Match.

  • One (1) WP is awarded at the end of the Autonomous Period for any Team in an Alliance earning the Autonomous Win Point.

  • Two (2) WP are awarded for winning a Qualification Match.

  • One (1) WP is awarded for tying a Qualification Match.

  • Zero (0) WP are awarded for losing a Qualification Match.

An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that has Cleared their AWP Line, and Scored at least one Ring on each Alliance Mobile Goal, at the end of the Autonomous Period.

Possible Scoring Scenarios


Fig. 11 Legal positions for rings to be classified as scored in the Mobile Goal base.

A Ring is considered Scored in a Mobile Goal Base if it is not contacting a Robot and is at least partially within the 3-dimensional vertical projection formed by the “bowl” of the Mobile Goal Base.


Fig. 12 Legal positions for rings to be classified as scored on a branch.

A Ring is considered Scored on a Mobile Goal Branch if it is not contacting a Robot, and any part of the Branch is within the volume defined by the outer edges of the Ring (i.e. part of the Ring is encircling or surrounding the Branch). A Ring supported by the Mobile Goal Branch, but not encircling it would still be considered Scored in the Mobile Goal Base, as it is within the 3D vertical projection.


Fig. 13 Requirements for a goal to be considered Scored.

A Mobile Goal is considered Scored in an Alliance Home Zone if, at the end of the Match, any part of the Mobile Goal Base is at least partially within the Alliance Home Zone (i.e. “breaking the plane” of the Zone).


Fig. 14 Example of Rings scored on an elevated Neutral Mobile Goal.

Rings which are Scored on or in an Elevated Mobile Goal count for points for the Alliance who is Elevating the Mobile Goal. An Elevated Mobile Goal does not also receive points for being Scored in an Alliance Home Zone.

The example shown here would be worth 51 points for the Red Alliance.
• Forty (40) points for the Elevated Mobile Goal • Two (2) points for the two (2) Scored Rings in the Mobile Goal Base • Nine (9) points for the three (3) Scored Rings on the Mobile Goal Branches


Fig. 15 Example of Alliance Mobile Goal Scoring.

Alliance Mobile Goals only count for points when Scored in the same color Alliance Home Zone. Alliance Mobile Goals which end the Match anywhere other than their corresponding Alliance Home Zone or Platform are not worth any points for either Alliance. Rings which are Scored on / in an Alliance Mobile Goal are worth points for that color Alliance, regardless of where the Alliance Mobile Goal ends the Match.


Fig. 16 Example of Goal Scoring.

Contact with foam tiles, Platforms, and / or Robots does not affect whether a Mobile Goal is considered Scored. Contact is only relevant when determining whether a Mobile Goal is Elevated (see the definition of Elevated for more information). In this particular example, the Mobile Goal would not be considered Elevated, but would still be considered as Scored.

Autonomous Bonus

A point bonus of twenty (20) points awarded to the Alliance that has earned the most points at the end of the Autonomous Period.

Autonomous Win Point

An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that has Cleared their AWP Line, and Scored at least one Ring on each Alliance Mobile Goal, at the end of the Autonomous Period

The Autonomous Win Point and the Autonomous Bonus are Scored independently of each other. For example, it is possible for both Alliances to receive the Autonomous Win Point, and it is possible for an Alliance to receive the Autonomous Win Point but not receive the Autonomous Bonus.


Last Edited on 8/31/21.