Tipping Point Game Rules


Starting a Match. Prior to the start of each Match, the Robot must be placed such that it is:

  1. Contacting at least one (1) of the gray foam field tiles directly in front of their Alliance Station, i.e. the row of gray foam field tiles that contains their Alliance’s Platform.

  2. Not contacting any other gray foam field tiles, i.e. those in contact with the white tape lines that define the Alliance Home Zone.

  3. Not contacting any Scoring Objects other than the Preloads.

  4. Not contacting another Robot.e. Not contacting the Platform.

  5. Contacting no more than three (3) Preloads.

  6. No Preloads may be contacting more than one (1) Robot.

    1. All Preloads must be fully within the field perimeter.

    2. All Preloads must not be in any positions that would be considered Scored if the Robot were not present. If a Team does not wish to use their three (3) Preloads at the start of the Match, they may be used as Match Load Rings at any point during the Match, in accordance with SG8.


Robot expansion is limited once the Match begins. At the beginning of a Match, each Robot must be smaller than a volume of 18” (457.2 mm) long by 18” (457.2 mm) wide by 18” (457.2 mm) tall. Once the Match begins, Robots may expand, but no horizontal dimension can exceed 36” (914.4 mm) at any point during the Match.


Platforms are “safe” during the endgame. During the last thirty (30) seconds, Robots may not contact the opposing Alliance’s Platform.

  1. For the purposes of this rule, contact is considered “transitive” through other Robots and Scoring Objects. For example, contacting an opposing Robot who is contacting their own Platform would be considered a violation of this rule.

  2. For the purposes of this rule, G13 supersedes rule G14. Any Robot which is contacting its own Platform during the last thirty (30) seconds, provided that no other rules are being violated, will automatically receive the “benefit of the doubt”. Therefore, any contact with this Robot will be considered a violation, regardless of intent.

  3. Per SG10, using a Scoring Object to contact the opposing Alliance’s Platform during the last thirty (30) seconds would be considered a violation of this rule. Violations of this rule which do not interfere with gameplay, such as bumping into the Platform and then driving away, will result in the opposing Alliance receiving credit for one additional Elevated Robot at the end of the Match. (Alliances may still only receive points for a maximum of two Elevated Robots).Violations of this rule which do interfere with gameplay, such as preventing a Platform from becoming Balanced, will result in a Disqualification, regardless of whether the interference was Match Affecting or not.


Stay out of the opponent’s Home Zone during Autonomous. During the Autonomous Period, Robots may not contact the foam tiles, Scoring Objects, Robots, or Platforms which are fully contained in the opposing Alliance Home Zone. Violations of this rule will result in the Autonomous Bonus being awarded to the opposing Alliance. The opposing Alliance will also receive an Autonomous Win Point, regardless of whether they completed the Autonomous Win Point tasks. Intentional, strategic, or egregious violations, such as intentional contact with an opposing Robot completely within their Alliance Home Zone, will result in a Disqualification.


Enter the Neutral Zone during Autonomous at your own risk. Any Robot who engages with the Neutral Zone during the Autonomous Period should be aware that opponent Robots may also choose to do the same. Per G11 and G12, Teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots at all times.

  1. For the purposes of this rule, “engages with” means any combination of:

    1. Contacting foam tiles within the Neutral Zone

    2. Contacting Neutral Mobile Goals

    3. Contacting Rings that begin the Match on the double white tape line in the center of the Neutral Zone

  2. If opposing Robots contact one another while both engaging with the Neutral Zone, and a possible G12 violation results (i.e. damage, Entanglement, or tipping over), then a judgment call will be made by the Head Referee within the context of G12 just as it would if the interaction had occurred during the Driver Controlled Period.

  3. If opposing Robots contact one another while both engaging with the Neutral Zone, and an inciden-tal violation of SG4 occurs, no penalty will be assessed on either Alliance.

  4. G15 does not apply during the Autonomous Period.

  5. Intentional, strategic, repeated, or egregious offenses of points “b” or “c” may still be deemed a violation of SG4, G12, G13, G14, G1, and / or S1 at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Rings on the Alliance Mobile Goal are “safe”. Strategies intended to remove Rings which are Scored on or in an opposing Alliance Mobile Goal are prohibited. Examples of “intentional strategies” could include, but are not limited to:

  • Robot mechanisms or actions solely intended to “lift off” Rings from Mobile Goal Branches.

  • Robot mechanisms or actions solely intended to “scoop out” Rings from Mobile Goal Bases.

  • “Knocking over” or otherwise forcefully manipulating an Alliance Mobile Goal such that Rings become removed. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Hoarding of Mobile Goals is limited. Robots may not Hoard more than one (1) Mobile Goal at once. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Note: Hoarding is not a time-based activity (i.e. a 5 second count, like Trapping ). As soon as a Robot places multiple Mobile Goals in the corner of an Alliance Home Zone, they are at risk of causing a Hoarding violation.


Each Alliance may introduce their Match Load Rings at any point during the Match. This action must abide by the following criteria:

  1. Match Load Rings must be gently placed onto one of the gray foam tiles directly in front of the Alliance Station, i.e. the tiles coincident with the field perimeter wall. See Figure 24.

  2. Match Load Rings may not be placed into a Scored position on a Mobile Goal.

  3. Match Load Rings may not be placed such that they are contacting a Robot (from either Alliance) while still in contact with a Drive Team Member.

  4. Match Load Rings must be gently placed directly onto the foam tile. “Throwing”, “rolling”, or other-wise imparting energy upon the Rings such that they leave the intended tile, or violate one of the other points in this rule, is not permitted.

  5. Match Load Rings may only be introduced during the Autonomous Period or the Driver Controlled Period, i.e. they may not be introduced during the pause between the two periods, or prior to the Match.

  6. It is expected that Drive Team Members may momentarily break the plane of the field perimeter while legally introducing Match Load Rings. This action should be kept as brief as possible, and Teams from both Alliances should be very mindful of S1 when Match Load Rings are being entered into the field.

    1. Any human contact with Robots from either Alliance during this interaction may be considered a violation of G9 and / or S1 at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Note: There is no requirement for Alliances to introduce their Match Load Rings, if they do not wish to do so.

Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses, or violations of S1, will result in a Disqualification as applicable. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Keep Scoring Objects in the field. Teams may not intentionally remove Scoring Objects from the field. While Scoring Objects may accidentally leave the field, doing so intentionally or repeatedly would be a violation of this rule. Scoring Objects that leave the field during Match play, intentionally or unintentionally, will be returned to the field at the location nearest the point at which they exited. Referees will return the Scoring Object to the field when it is deemed safe to do so, at the leisure of the referee.Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.


Note: During the last 30 seconds of the Match, any Scoring Object that leaves the field will not be returned.


Use Scoring Objects to play the game. Scoring Objects may not be used to accomplish actions that would be otherwise illegal if were attempted by Robot mechanisms (e.g., Interfering with an opponent’s Autonomous routine per .)The intent of this rule is to prohibit teams from using game objects as “gloves” to loophole any rule that states “a Robot may not [do some action]”. This rule is not intended to be taken in its most extreme literal interpretation, where any interaction between a Scoring Object and a Robot needs to be scrutinized with the same intensity as if it were a Robot.


Last Edited on 8/31/21.