

Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Begin building back lift.


  • ☑ Begin building back lift.


  • Today Derek began building the back lift. Due our organization’s lack of metal we spent most of the day looking for quality metal to cut to the correct size. The back lift is a very important mechanism on our robot because it will allow us to possess a mobile goal and score rings on the pole.


  • Derek began building the back lift because it is one of the few parts of the robot that we should have all the parts for. We have to wait until new metal and wheels arrive before we can build our drive base and the rest of the robot.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Finish building the back lift.


Last Edited on 12/14/21.


Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Finish building the back lift.


  • ☑ Finish building the back lift.


  • Derek finished building the lift today. With it now completed we will spend tomorrow tuning the clamp part of it to make sure the back lift will properly lock onto the goals. The most important improvement from our prior design to now is that this back lift will clamp onto the goal as well as tilt it, so it will be much harder for opposing robots to steal the goal from us.


  • Derek finished the core of the back lift today by finishing up the support bars as well as adjusting the position of the pneumatic piston and it’s pivot point. The pivot point in the CAD turned out to not work as well as we wanted, so we are going to finetune it tomorrow.

Plans for next Pracitce:

  • Tune clamp on the back lift.


Last Edited on 12/15/21.


Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Tune clamp on the back lift.

  • Add the tilting pistons.


  • ☑ Tune clamp on the back lift.

  • ☑ Begin building the drive base.


  • Derek tuned the back lift’s clamp by adding two more additions to hold the inside of the goal as well as adjusting the connection point of the piston to allow for a better movement angle. The new angle allows for the c-channel on the clamp to rest flat on the goal which will make the clamp very strong.


  • We tuned the clamp today becuase it is very important for it to be able to hold the alliance goal strongly.

  • Due to lack of parts we were only able to find the parts for the top level of the drive base so Derek gathered the pieces for the drive base and tested bearings to make sure that the drive base will have as low friction as possible.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Continue building any part of the robot we can.


Last Edited on 12/16/21.