Initial Goals For Tipping Point¶
Short Term Goals¶
Design a robot with CAD
The robot design must be able to handle and score mobile goals and rings.
Create pseudocode for each critical function of the robot
Mobile Goal Lift(s)
Ring intakes
Plan out match autons.
Plan out AWP match auton.
Begin strategizing driver and auton skills route.
Long Term Goals¶
Win multiple worlds qualifying awards at the south carolina state competition.
Win the majority of excellence, skills, and tournament champions awards at competitions we attend.
Compete in A Signature Event.
Compete in other major out of state events.
Do well in qualifications to choose a strong teammate in finals.
Do well in skills to be eligible for excellence .
Have a high scoring auton that gets the AWP and beats the majority of teams inside of South Carolina.
Last Edited on 8/31/21.