

Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☐ Jack


  • Continue Driver Practice

  • Begin designing new robot


  • ☑ Continue Driver Practice

  • ☑ Cad of new drive base.


  • Since Jack was unable to attend practice today, instead of practicing the auton skills routine, Derek practiced driving.

  • Derek also began working on the new robot’s drive base. It will be a 6 motor 360rpm drive base on 4” wheels. This new drive base will move at 6.28 ft/sec. To get 360rpm we are using 600 rpm motors and gearing them down 3:5 to make their output 360rpm.


Fig. 30 Our new drive base.


  • With this new drive base we will be increasing from 4.73 ft/sec to 6.28 ft/sec. We are doing this because being faster than everyone else will grant us a very powerful advantage during the match and especially during the autonomous phases.

  • We are making our drive base a 6 motor drive because we will need more power to support the increased speed.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Restart the auton skills routine.


Last Edited on 11/2/21.


Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Restart the auton skills routine.


  • ☑ Restart the auton skills routine.


  • Jack restarted the auton routine by desigining a new path. The path starts in the same spot and scorest the first goals in a similar manner but, it grabs the alliance goal with the back of the robot instead of the front clamp like it did before.

  • Jack is also making more movements straight lines instead of moving the robot in arcs everytime. This should help with making the auton more consistent since the movements are less complicated.


  • Jack swapped how the first two goals get grabbed because the first neutral goal we grab can often ruin a run if it does not get collected properly. Now the neutral goal is grabbed much more consistently.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Continue reworking the auton skills routine.

  • Redesign the ring blockers.


Last Edited on 11/3/21.


Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Continue reworking the auton skills routine.

  • Redesign the ring blockers.


  • ☑ Continue reworking the auton skills routine.

  • ☑ Redesign the ring blockers.


  • Jack continued working on the auton skills routine and we now can score the first two goals consistently. Below is footage of the auton working.

  • To fix the ring blockers Derek removed the standoffs and replaced them with polycarbonate that goes just low enough to block the rings while not getting stuck in the ground when the robot climbs up the ramp. Currently we are able to park with one goal.


  • Jack has spent this week just working on the first two goals because it is important that we do not rush our skills auton like we did for our first tournament. We are now alloting this whole month to just manipulating this auton and leaving our match autons the way they were before.

  • We had to swap out the ring blockers because the old versions prevented us from climbing up the platform so now with our new ones we are able to park which will be crucial to winning skills and also doing better in harder matches.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Expand auton to score the next two goals (4 total).

  • Perfect the ring blockers.

  • Begin 313 driver practice.


Last Edited on 11/4/21.