

Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☐ Jack


  • Design new license plates.


  • ☑ Design new license plates.


  • With the new robot our old license plates no longer fit on our robot and so Derek designed new license plates to better fight the new robot.


Fig. 35 A view of the license plates.


  • Derek redesigned the new license plate to cleanly cover the side of the drive base while also making it very easy for the referees to know what side we are on.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Build and test ring hood.


Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☐ Jack


  • Build and test ring hood.


  • ☑ Build and test ring hood.


  • Today Derek began building and testing the hood to guide the rings onto the alliance goal post. To goal of the hood is to ensure that every ring we pick up falls onto the post correctly. Most teams use polycarbonate hoods but Derek chose to use metal for the simplicity and to be able to easily change the design.


Fig. 36 A view of the ring hood.


  • Derek chose to go with a metal hood because the rings bounce off metal more consistently than off plastic. With our conveyer belt we also have limited attachment points and becaues of that the plastic would be out of size.

  • Currently this design has a chance of rings launching out the front of it. To solve this Derek is going to add a plastic ring guard that will block the front and the top of the hood.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Perfect the ring hood.

  • Finalize the robot.


Last Edited on 12/29/21.


Attendance: ☐ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☐ Jack

Cancellation of JP2 Tournament:

  • The Tournament on January 8th has been cancelled and our next tournament is now on January 22nd. Since we now have more time we are going to spend more time perfecting the robot since we need to spend more time than expected to tune the ring hood.


  • Continue tuning the ring hood.


  • ☑ Continue tuning the ring hood.


  • To help controlling the movement of the rings, Derek tried adding plastic and track to guide the rings downward onto the alliance goal. This design works pretty well but rings can get stuck between the track and the goal’s post which will prevent any more rings to be scored.


  • Derek chose to use track as the ring guider because using plastic was not feasible since there is no secure way to attach the plastic onto the standoffs. However we are using plastic to block off the top section of the hood to ensure that no rings fly upward.

  • With the extra time we will now be able to continue working on the robot and finetune the ring hood through next week to ensure that it works well.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Ensure no rings can get stuck.

  • Continue tuning the ring hood.