

Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Continue Driver Practice.

  • Continue Skills Auton.


  • ☑ Continue Driver Practice.

  • ☑ Automate Parking Lift.


  • Traffic prohibited Jack from being at practice for the majority of today so instead of focusing on the skills auton, Derek and Brody practiced the driver skills route and Derek can now consistently score 310 in 60 seconds.

  • Jack added code to the Lift state machine where if the robot detects that it is moving up the ramp that it will automatically lift the 4bar so it is easier for Derek to park while driving.


  • Jack added this to the code because when Derek parks he used to manually increase the lift which required him to press too many buttons while attempting to park at the end of the run. Since it is very easy to detect when we are climbing up the ramp based on IMU pitch Jack implemeneted this to make parking easier for Derek during normal matches and the skills runs.

  • Derek continued practicing driving and is now able to consistently score 310 in under 60 seconds. His best run is with a 5 second stop time, so now his focus will be on increasing that stop time as much as possible.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Continue Skills Auton.

  • Continue Driver Practice.


Last Edited on 11/16/21.


Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Continue Skills Auton.


  • ☑ Continue Skills Auton.


  • Because of the lost time yesterday and given Derek’s improvment we decided to just focus on programming today.

  • Jack continued programming the skills route and we can now score 120 points by scoring 3 goals on a platform. After scoring the third goal the robot will grab the closest alliance goal and score it on the other platform.


  • Now that the third goal works in the skills auton tommorrow we will focus on scoring the fourth goal tomorrow to ensure that we stay on pace with our monthly schedule.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Continue Skills Auton.


Last Edited on 11/17/21.


Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Continue Skills Auton.


  • 120 point skills auton.

  • Update skills auton route.


  • Today Jack continued working on making sure the third goal’s scoring is consistent. The robot now scores the first three goals on the platform consistently.

  • We also decided to change the auton route to score 290 instead of 280. This will make our total skills score equal 600 (310 Driver + 290 Auton). To score 290 we will elevate 5 goals on one platform while parking with one goal on the other platform. The 7th goal will be scored in a home zone. Currently as of 11/18/21 the highest skills score in the world is 592 so if we can achieve our maximum score of 600, we can get first place in the world.


  • Jack focused on making sure the third goal’s scoring was consistent because it is a difficult goal since elevating the tall middle goal requires the robot to drop it from a specific spot next to the platforms.

  • We chose to change the auton route because increasing it to 290 will allow us to get first place in the world, and we think that we can achieve it.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Continue Skills Auton.

  • Continue Driver Practice.


Last Edited on 11/18/21.