

Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Begin Testing the Elim match auton.


  • ☑ Begin Testing the Elim match auton.

  • ☑ Improve the Elim match auton.


  • Jack tested the Elim match auton and it works very well. The robot consistently scores both neutral alliance goals in 6 seconds. Since the auton moves so quickly, we are expanding it to also score the third goal as well.

  • This part of the autonomous is not tuned perfectly yet and will require tomorrow to complete but we believe it will be worth the extra time since it will score us 20 more points and put Derek in a good starting position for the driver phase.


  • We decided to expand on the original autonomous because of the extra time and because having a better autonomous will allow us to not worry about our teammate’s autonomous during the elimination rounds.

  • Below is the Elim match auton routine code.


Fig. 28 A screenshot of the Elim match auton.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Perfect the new Elim match auton.


Last Edited on 10/12/21.


Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Perfect the new Elim match auton.


  • 50% complete with perfecting the Elim match auton.


  • Jack worked on perfecting the Elim match auton but it is still not finished. Since this auton has more motions than the AWP it is taking longer to perfect. While we do not have the routine perfected yet Jack did isolate the move that causes the biggest impact to it’s consistency. The move when bringing the first two goals back into the home zone is the least accurate move and needs to fixed before we can accurately score the third goal.


  • The movement to score the first two goals effects the third goal because this auton uses relative movement as opposed to absolute so it has the chance of not ending in the same spot every time. To mitigate this problem we just need to tune the PID and Slew to make the move as accurate as possible.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Have Derek continue driver practice.


Last Edited on 10/13/21.


Attendance: ☑ Brody, ☑ Derek, ☑ Jack


  • Continue driver practice.


  • ☑ Continue driver practice.


  • Derek and Brody worked together today planning out the driver skills routeine. Derek is currently able to score 200 points so he is only 80 points away from his goal. He is able to score 5 of the 7 goals in the 60 seconds.

  • With the next two weeks Derek is well on pace to achieve his goal of 280 points.


  • Derek’s goal changed from 290 to 280 because we realized that our robot is very efficient at parking so instead of parking with goals Derek is going to focus on just scoring all 7 goals first.

Plans for next Practice:

  • Begin working on skills autonomous.

  • Continue driver practice.


Last Edited on 10/14/21.