
The following videos will help you to start learning about the Google Chrome Developer Tools:

Getting Started

The following video describes how to start to interact with the developer tools, the panels within the developer tools window, and the interactive console.

Inspecting Elements and Resources

The following video describes how to:

Debugging JavaScript

The following video describes the graphical interface to the V8 debugger and how to:

Profiling and Optimizing

The following video describes how to use the built in CPU, and heap profilers to understand where resources are being spent and so helps you to optimize your code.

Timeline Panel

The following video describes how to use the timeline panel to get information on where time is spent when loading your web app or page.

Become a Javascript Console Power-User

Level up on the Javascript console in the Chrome DevTools. Look at XHR requests, learn console helper functions to monitor events or explore objects better. Paul Irish from the Chrome team gives you a rundown.

Google IO 2011 session

The following video was recorded during the Chrome Developer Tools session at Google IO 2011.

Google IO 2010 session

The following video was recorded during the Chrome Developer Tools session at Google IO 2010.

Google IO 2012: Chrome Developer Tools Evolution

Follow Pavel Feldman and Sam Dutton in a review of the newest Developer Tools features: mobile debugging, editing, new Timeline "Frame Mode" and much more.