Rating Guidelines

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Content ratings help users determine whether your application and its content are mature in nature. Ratings are not intended to reflect the quality or complexity of your app.

As the developer, you are ultimately responsible for rating your application appropriately. Use the following rules as guidance in determining whether your app should be rated “Mature.” When determining your app’s rating, consider all the content in your app, including user generated content and ads, and content that your app links to. Note that regardless of the rating you give your app, all applications must still adhere to the terms of the Chrome Web Store Program Policy and the Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement.

Sexual and suggestive content

Apps that focus on sexual content or sexually suggestive content should be rated “Mature.” For example, an app that is a collection of images of men or women in lingerie posing suggestively should be rated “Mature.” Note that pornography and sexually explicit content are not allowed in the Chrome Web Store.

As you consider how to rate your app, here is more guidance on apps that we would consider to be sexually explicit, mature, and not mature.

Not mature Mature Sexually explicit (not allowed)
  • Images of people kissing and hugging
  • Dating app that is not focused on sexual relations
  • App to help a woman choose the right bra size
  • Close-up images of people wearing thongs
  • Apps with sexual themes like adult "Truth or Dare" apps
  • Sex position app with no porn, but has detailed descriptions
  • Apps containing images or videos with nudity or sex acts
  • Apps that contain prominent links to porn sites

Strong language

Apps that contain explicit or frequent use of profanity should be rated "Mature.”


Graphic cartoon or fantasy violence should be rated “Mature.” For example, games that depict graphic violence like decapitations or close-ups of wounds should be rated “Mature.” Gratuitous real violence is not allowed in the Chrome Web Store.

Alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Apps that focus on the consumption or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco should be rated “Mature.” For example, a game where the main character is a drug dealer should be rated “Mature.” Illegal activity or alcohol, tobacco or drug content that is targeted at minors is not allowed in the Chrome Web Store.