
Description: Use the chrome.permissions API to request declared optional permissions at run time rather than install time, so users understand why the permissions are needed and grant only those that are necessary.
Availability: Stable since Chrome 16.
Learn More: Declaring permissions

Implementing optional permissions

Step 1: Decide which permissions are required and which are optional

An extension can declare both required and optional permissions. In general, you should:

  • Use required permissions when they are needed for your extension’s basic functionality.
  • Use optional permissions when they are needed for optional features in your extension.

Advantages of required permissions:

  • Fewer prompts: An extension can prompt the user once to accept all permissions.
  • Simpler development: Required permissions are guaranteed to be present.

Advantages of optional permissions:

  • Better security: Extensions run with fewer permissions since users only enable permissions that are needed.
  • Better information for users: An extension can explain why it needs a particular permission when the user enables the relevant feature.
  • Easier upgrades: When you upgrade your extension, Chrome will not disable it for your users if the upgrade adds optional rather than required permissions.

Step 2: Declare optional permissions in the manifest

Declare optional permissions in your extension manifest with the optional_permissions key, using the same format as the permissions field:

        "name": "My extension",
        "optional_permissions": [ "tabs", "" ],

You can specify any of the following as optional permissions:

  • host permissions
  • background
  • bookmarks
  • clipboardRead
  • clipboardWrite
  • contentSettings
  • contextMenus
  • cookies
  • debugger
  • history
  • idle
  • management
  • notifications
  • pageCapture
  • tabs
  • topSites
  • webNavigation
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking

If you want to request hosts that you only discover at runtime, include "http://*/" and/or "https://*/" as an optional_permission. This lets you specify any origin in as long as it has a matching scheme.

Step 3: Request optional permissions

Request the permissions from within a user gesture using permissions.request():

      document.querySelector('#my-button').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        // Permissions must be requested from inside a user gesture, like a button's
        // click handler.
          permissions: ['tabs'],
          origins: ['']
        }, function(granted) {
          // The callback argument will be true if the user granted the permissions.
          if (granted) {
          } else {

Chrome prompts the user if adding the permissions results in different warning messages than the user has already seen and accepted. For example, the previous code might result in a prompt like this:

example permission confirmation prompt

Step 4: Check the extension's current permissions

To check whether your extension has a specific permission or set of permissions, use permission.contains():

        permissions: ['tabs'],
        origins: ['']
      }, function(result) {
        if (result) {
          // The extension has the permissions.
        } else {
          // The extension doesn't have the permissions.

Step 5: Remove the permissions

You should remove permissions when you no longer need them. After a permission has been removed, calling permissions.request() usually adds the permission back without prompting the user.

        permissions: ['tabs'],
        origins: ['']
      }, function(removed) {
        if (removed) {
          // The permissions have been removed.
        } else {
          // The permissions have not been removed (e.g., you tried to remove
          // required permissions).


getAll chrome.permissions.getAll(function callback)
contains chrome.permissions.contains( Permissions permissions, function callback)
request chrome.permissions.request( Permissions permissions, function callback)
remove chrome.permissions.remove( Permissions permissions, function callback)



array of string (optional) permissions List of named permissions (does not include hosts or origins). Anything listed here must appear in the optional_permissions list in the manifest.
array of string (optional) origins List of origin permissions. Anything listed here must be a subset of a host that appears in the optional_permissions list in the manifest. For example, if http://* or http://*/ appears in optional_permissions, you can request an origin of Any path is ignored.



chrome.permissions.getAll(function callback)

Gets the extension's current set of permissions.

function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Permissions permissions) {...};
Permissions permissions The extension's active permissions.


chrome.permissions.contains( Permissions permissions, function callback)

Checks if the extension has the specified permissions.

Permissions permissions
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(boolean result) {...};
boolean result True if the extension has the specified permissions.


chrome.permissions.request( Permissions permissions, function callback)

Requests access to the specified permissions. These permissions must be defined in the optional_permissions field of the manifest. If there are any problems requesting the permissions, runtime.lastError will be set.

Permissions permissions
function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(boolean granted) {...};
boolean granted True if the user granted the specified permissions.


chrome.permissions.remove( Permissions permissions, function callback)

Removes access to the specified permissions. If there are any problems removing the permissions, runtime.lastError will be set.

Permissions permissions
function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(boolean removed) {...};
boolean removed True if the permissions were removed.



Fired when the extension acquires new permissions.


chrome.permissions.onAdded.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Permissions permissions) {...};
Permissions permissions The newly acquired permissions.


Fired when access to permissions has been removed from the extension.


chrome.permissions.onRemoved.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( Permissions permissions) {...};
Permissions permissions The permissions that have been removed.