Using Inline Installation

Once you've published your app or extension, you may be wondering how users will find and install your app. For users who browse the Chrome Web Store and find your item, its a very easy one-click process to install it. However, if a user is already on your site, it can be cumbersome for them to complete the installation - they would need to navigate away from your site to the store, complete the install process, and then return.

As of Google Chrome 15, you can initiate app and extensions installations "inline" from your site. These apps and extensions are still hosted in the Chrome Web Store, but users no longer have to leave your site to install them.

Inline installation dialog When users install the app, they will see an installation confirmation dialog similar to the one pictured on right. Just like the dialog displayed when installing directly from the Chrome Web Store, it lists all of the permissions that your app or extension is requesting. Additionally, this dialog includes the average Chrome Web Store rating and the number of users, giving users extra confidence about what they are about to install.


Inline installation is composed of two parts: a declarative <link> tag and a call to the JavaScript function chrome.webstore.install(). In addition, you must also verify an association between the site that triggers inline installation and the relevant item(s) in the Chrome Web Store.

The HTML page on your site from which you want inline installation to occur must contain one or more <link> tags in the <head> section referencing the items that the user can install. Each <link> tag must have the following format:

<link rel="chrome-webstore-item" href="">

The URL in the <link> tag must be exactly as specified above, except that you should replace itemID with the actual ID value for your item. To determine the ID value for a specific item, go to the Chrome Developer Dashboard and click the name of the relevant app or extension. The ID value for that item will be shown in the browser address bar; it is a string of 32 Latin characters at the end of the URL in the address bar. Do not use the URL in the address bar as the URL in the <link> tag (the URL in the address bar uses a new format that includes the app name – this new format does not work for inline installation). Instead, copy the ID value from the URL in the address bar and paste the ID value into the URL specified in the <link> tag above.

As an example, the <link> tag for the Google Drive app would look like this:

<link rel="chrome-webstore-item"

Triggering inline installation

To actually begin inline installation, the chrome.webstore.install(url, successCallback, failureCallback) function must be called. This function can only be called in response to a user gesture, for example within a click event handler; an exception will be thrown if it is not. The function can have the following parameters:

url (optional string)
If you have more than one <link> tag on your page with the chrome-webstore-item relation, you can choose which item you'd like to install by passing in its URL here. If it is omitted, then the first (or only) link will be used. An exception will be thrown if the passed in URL does not exist on the page.
successCallback (optional function)
This function is invoked when inline installation successfully completes (after the dialog is shown and the user agrees to add the item to Chrome). You may wish to use this to hide the user interface element that prompted the user to install the app or extension.
failureCallback (optional function)
This function is invoked when inline installation does not successfully complete. Possible reasons for this include the user canceling the dialog, the linked item not being found in the store, or the install being initiated from a non-verified site. The callback is given a failure detail string as a parameter. You may wish to inspect or log that string for debugging purposes, but you should not rely on specific strings being passed back.

User interface elements for inline installation

One of the key concepts behind inline installation is that it allows you, the app developer, to choose when to prompt the user to install the app or extension. If the item is critical to your site, you may wish to have a modal dialog or other distinctive noticeable user interface element for prompting the user. If the item only provides secondary functionality, inline installation may be hidden away on a secondary page of your site.

Since inline installation has to be triggered via a user gesture (for example, a mouse click) it is therefore suggested that you tie the action to a clickable user interface element such as a button. It is suggested that you use the same button label as the Chrome Web Store itself (in English, this is "Add to Chrome").

Checking if an item is already installed

You may wish to only show user interface elements that prompt the user to install the item if it's not already installed.

To check if an app is already installed, you can use the property. By querying it from a page contained within your app's URLs, you can show or hide interface elements as appropriate. For example:

<button onclick="chrome.webstore.install()" id="install-button">Add to Chrome</button>
if ( {
  document.getElementById('install-button').style.display = 'none';

Extensions can communicate with the embedding page via content scripts to let it know that they are already installed. For example, you could have a content script that targets the installation page:

var isInstalledNode = document.createElement('div'); = 'extension-is-installed';

Then your installation page can check for the presence of that DOM node, which signals that the extension is already installed:

<button onclick="chrome.webstore.install()" id="install-button">Add to Chrome</button>
if (document.getElementById('extension-is-installed')) {
  document.getElementById('install-button').style.display = 'none';

Verified site requirement

For security reasons, inline installations can only be initiated by a page on a site that is verified (via Webmaster Tools) as being associated with that item in the Chrome Web Store. Note that if you verify ownership for a domain (for example, you can initiate inline installation from any subdomain or page (for example, or