Pepper C++ API Reference (Dev)
This page lists the C++ API for Pepper 34. Apps that use this API can run in Chrome 34 or higher.
- Audio
- AudioBuffer
- AudioConfig
- CompletionCallback
- CompletionCallbackFactory
- CompletionCallbackWithOutput
- Core
- DirectoryEntry
- FileIO
- FileRef
- FileSystem
- FloatPoint
- Fullscreen
- Graphics2D
- Graphics3D
- Graphics3DClient
- HostResolver
- IMEInputEvent
- ImageData
- InputEvent
- Instance
- InstanceHandle
- KeyboardInputEvent
- MediaStreamAudioTrack
- MediaStreamVideoTrack
- MessageLoop
- Module
- MouseCursor
- MouseInputEvent
- MouseLock
- NetAddress
- NetworkList
- NetworkMonitor
- NetworkProxy
- Point
- Rect
- Resource
- Size
- TCPSocket
- TextInputController
- TouchInputEvent
- TouchPoint
- UDPSocket
- URLLoader
- URLRequestInfo
- URLResponseInfo
- Var
- Var11OutException
- VarArray
- VarArrayBuffer
- VarDictionary
- VideoFrame
- View
- WebSocket
- WheelInputEvent
- Ext::ExtCompletionCallbackWithOutput
- Internal::CompletionCallbackWithOutputBase
- Internal::DirectoryEntryArrayOutputAdapterWithStorage
- audio.h
- audio_buffer.h
- audio_config.h
- completion_callback.h
- completion_callback_factory.h
- core.h
- directory_entry.h
- file_io.h
- file_ref.h
- file_system.h
- fullscreen.h
- graphics_2d.h
- graphics_3d.h
- graphics_3d_client.h
- host_resolver.h
- image_data.h
- input_event.h
- instance.h
- instance_handle.h
- logging.h
- media_stream_audio_track.h
- media_stream_video_track.h
- message_loop.h
- module.h
- module_embedder.h
- module_impl.h
- mouse_cursor.h
- mouse_lock.h
- net_address.h
- network_list.h
- network_monitor.h
- network_proxy.h
- pass_ref.h
- point.h
- rect.h
- resource.h
- size.h
- tcp_socket.h
- text_input_controller.h
- touch_point.h
- udp_socket.h
- url_loader.h
- url_request_info.h
- url_response_info.h
- var.h
- var_array.h
- var_array_buffer.h
- var_dictionary.h
- video_frame.h
- view.h
- websocket.h