
Description: Use browser actions to put icons in the main Google Chrome toolbar, to the right of the address bar. In addition to its icon, a browser action can also have a tooltip, a badge, and a popup.
Availability: Stable since Chrome 5.
Manifest: "browser_action": {...}

In the following figure, the multicolored square to the right of the address bar is the icon for a browser action. A popup is below the icon.

If you want to create an icon that isn't always visible, use a page action instead of a browser action.


Register your browser action in the extension manifest like this:

        "name": "My extension",
        "browser_action": {
          "default_icon": {                    // optional
            "19": "images/icon19.png",           // optional
            "38": "images/icon38.png"            // optional
          "default_title": "Google Mail",      // optional; shown in tooltip
          "default_popup": "popup.html"        // optional

If you only provide one of the 19px or 38px icon size, the extension system will scale the icon you provide to the pixel density of the user's display, which can lose detail or make it look fuzzy. The old syntax for registering the default icon is still supported:

        "name": "My extension",
        "browser_action": {
          "default_icon": "images/icon19.png"  // optional
          // equivalent to "default_icon": { "19": "images/icon19.png" }

Parts of the UI

A browser action can have an icon, a tooltip, a badge, and a popup.


Browser action icons can be up to 19 dips (device-independent pixels) wide and high. Larger icons are resized to fit, but for best results, use a 19-dip square icon.

You can set the icon in two ways: using a static image or using the HTML5 canvas element. Using static images is easier for simple applications, but you can create more dynamic UIs — such as smooth animation — using the canvas element.

Static images can be in any format WebKit can display, including BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, or PNG. For unpacked extensions, images must be in the PNG format.

To set the icon, use the default_icon field of browser_action in the manifest, or call the browserAction.setIcon method.

To properly display icon when screen pixel density (ratio size_in_pixel / size_in_dip) is different than 1, the icon can be defined as set of images with different sizes. The actual image to display will be selected from the set to best fit the pixel size of 19 dip icon. At the moment, the icon set can contain images with pixel sizes 19 and 38.


To set the tooltip, use the default_title field of browser_action in the manifest, or call the browserAction.setTitle method. You can specify locale-specific strings for the default_title field; see Internationalization for details.


Browser actions can optionally display a badge — a bit of text that is layered over the icon. Badges make it easy to update the browser action to display a small amount of information about the state of the extension.

Because the badge has limited space, it should have 4 characters or less.

Set the text and color of the badge using browserAction.setBadgeText and browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor, respectively.


If a browser action has a popup, the popup appears when the user clicks the icon. The popup can contain any HTML contents that you like, and it's automatically sized to fit its contents.

To add a popup to your browser action, create an HTML file with the popup's contents. Specify the HTML file in the default_popup field of browser_action in the manifest, or call the browserAction.setPopup method.


For the best visual impact, follow these guidelines:

  • Do use browser actions for features that make sense on most pages.
  • Don't use browser actions for features that make sense for only a few pages. Use page actions instead.
  • Do use big, colorful icons that make the most of the 19x19-pixel space. Browser action icons should seem a little bigger and heavier than page action icons.
  • Don't attempt to mimic Google Chrome's monochrome menu icon. That doesn't work well with themes, and anyway, extensions should stand out a little.
  • Do use alpha transparency to add soft edges to your icon. Because many people use themes, your icon should look nice on a variety of background colors.
  • Don't constantly animate your icon. That's just annoying.


You can find simple examples of using browser actions in the examples/api/browserAction directory. For other examples and for help in viewing the source code, see Samples.


setTitle chrome.browserAction.setTitle(object details)
getTitle chrome.browserAction.getTitle(object details, function callback)
setIcon chrome.browserAction.setIcon(object details, function callback)
setPopup chrome.browserAction.setPopup(object details)
getPopup chrome.browserAction.getPopup(object details, function callback)
setBadgeText chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText(object details)
getBadgeText chrome.browserAction.getBadgeText(object details, function callback)
setBadgeBackgroundColor chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor(object details)
getBadgeBackgroundColor chrome.browserAction.getBadgeBackgroundColor(object details, function callback)
enable chrome.browserAction.enable(integer tabId)
disable chrome.browserAction.disable(integer tabId)



array of integer


Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a canvas element).



chrome.browserAction.setTitle(object details)

Sets the title of the browser action. This shows up in the tooltip.

object details
string title The string the browser action should display when moused over.
integer (optional) tabId Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed.


chrome.browserAction.getTitle(object details, function callback)

Gets the title of the browser action.

object details
integer (optional) tabId Specify the tab to get the title from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific title is returned.
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string result) {...};
string result


chrome.browserAction.setIcon(object details, function callback)

Sets the icon for the browser action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the pixel data from a canvas element, or as dictionary of either one of those. Either the path or the imageData property must be specified.

object details
ImageDataType or object (optional) imageData Either an ImageData object or a dictionary {size -> ImageData} representing icon to be set. If the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals scale, then image with size scale * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified. Note that 'details.imageData = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
string or object (optional) path Either a relative image path or a dictionary {size -> relative image path} pointing to icon to be set. If the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals scale, then image with size scale * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified. Note that 'details.path = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
integer (optional) tabId Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed.
function (optional) callback

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function() {...};


chrome.browserAction.setPopup(object details)

Sets the html document to be opened as a popup when the user clicks on the browser action's icon.

object details
integer (optional) tabId Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed.
string popup The html file to show in a popup. If set to the empty string (''), no popup is shown.


chrome.browserAction.getPopup(object details, function callback)

Gets the html document set as the popup for this browser action.

object details
integer (optional) tabId Specify the tab to get the popup from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific popup is returned.
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string result) {...};
string result


chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText(object details)

Sets the badge text for the browser action. The badge is displayed on top of the icon.

object details
string text Any number of characters can be passed, but only about four can fit in the space.
integer (optional) tabId Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed.


chrome.browserAction.getBadgeText(object details, function callback)

Gets the badge text of the browser action. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge text is returned.

object details
integer (optional) tabId Specify the tab to get the badge text from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge text is returned.
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function(string result) {...};
string result


chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor(object details)

Sets the background color for the badge.

object details
string or ColorArray color An array of four integers in the range [0,255] that make up the RGBA color of the badge. For example, opaque red is [255, 0, 0, 255]. Can also be a string with a CSS value, with opaque red being #FF0000 or #F00.
integer (optional) tabId Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed.


chrome.browserAction.getBadgeBackgroundColor(object details, function callback)

Gets the background color of the browser action.

object details
integer (optional) tabId Specify the tab to get the badge background color from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge background color is returned.
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( ColorArray result) {...};
ColorArray result


chrome.browserAction.enable(integer tabId)

Enables the browser action for a tab. By default, browser actions are enabled.

integer (optional) tabId The id of the tab for which you want to modify the browser action.


chrome.browserAction.disable(integer tabId)

Disables the browser action for a tab.

integer (optional) tabId The id of the tab for which you want to modify the browser action.



Fired when a browser action icon is clicked. This event will not fire if the browser action has a popup.


chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function callback)
function callback

The callback parameter should be a function that looks like this:

function( tabs.Tab tab) {...};
tabs.Tab tab