In terms of quantifying relationships between variables, we start with the correlation coefficient, a measure that is the same regardless of your choice of variables as explanatory or response. We measure the strength and direction of linear relationships between two quantitative variables using Pearson’s r or Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. For those who really like acronyms, Wikipedia even suggests calling it the PPMCC. However, its use is so ubiquitous that the lower case r or just “correlation coefficient” are often sufficient to identify that you have used the PPMCC. Some of the extra distinctions arise because there are other ways of measuring correlations in other situations (for example between two categorical variables), but we will not consider them here.
The correlation coefficient, r, is calculated as
\[r=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum^n_{i=1}\left(\frac{x_i-\bar{x}}{s_x}\right) \left(\frac{y_i-\bar{y}}{s_y}\right),\]
where \(s_x\) and \(s_y\) are the standard deviations of \(x\) and \(y\). This formula can also be written as
where \(z_{x_i}\) is the z-score (observation minus mean divided by standard deviation) for the \(i^{th}\) observation on \(x\) and \(z_{y_i}\) is the z-score for the \(i^{th}\) observation on \(y\). We won’t directly use this formula, but its contents inform the behavior of r. First, because it is a sum divided by (\(n-1\)) it is a bit like an average – it combines information across all observations and, like the mean, is sensitive to outliers. Second, it is a dimension-less measure, meaning that it has no units attached to it. It is based on z-scores which have units of standard deviations of \(x\) or \(y\) so the original units of measurement are cancelled out going into this calculation. This also means that changing the original units of measurement, say from Fahrenheit to Celsius or from miles to km for one or the other variable will have no impact on the correlation. Less obviously, the formula guarantees that r is between -1 and 1. It will attain -1 for a perfect negative linear relationship, 1 for a perfect positive linear relationship, and 0 for no linear relationship. We are being careful here to say linear relationship because you can have a strong nonlinear relationship with a correlation of 0. For example, consider Figure 2.101.
Figure 2.101: Scatterplot of an amusing (and strong) relationship that has \(r=0\).
There are some conditions for trusting the results that the correlation coefficient provides:
Two quantitative variables measured.
The relationship between the variables is relatively linear.
There should be no outliers.
The correlation is very sensitive (technically not resistant) to the impacts of certain types of outliers and you should generally avoid reporting the correlation when they are present.
One option in the presence of outliers is to report the correlation with and without outliers to see how they influence the estimated correlation.
The correlation coefficient is dimensionless but larger magnitude values (closer to -1 OR 1) mean stronger linear relationships. A rough interpretation scale based on experiences working with correlations follows, but this varies between fields and types of research and variables measured. It depends on the levels of correlation researchers become used to obtaining, so can even vary within fields. Use this scale until you develop your own experience:
\(\left|\boldsymbol{r}\right|<0.3\): weak linear relationship,
\(0.3 < \left|\boldsymbol{r}\right|<0.7\): moderate linear relationship,
\(0.7 < \left|\boldsymbol{r}\right|<0.9\): strong linear relationship, and
\(0.9 < \left|\boldsymbol{r}\right|<1.0\): very strong linear relationship.
And again note that this scale only relates to the linear aspect of the relationship between the variables.
When we have linear relationships between two quantitative variables,
\(x\) and \(y\), we can obtain estimated correlations from the cor
function either using y~x
or by running the cor
function93 on the entire data set. When you run the cor
function on a data set it produces a correlation matrix which
contains a matrix of correlations where you can triangulate the
variables being correlated by the row and column names, noting
that the correlation between a variable and itself is 1. A matrix of
correlations is useful for comparing more than two variables, discussed below.
## [1] 0.8943381
## Beers BAC
## Beers 1.0000000 0.8943381
## BAC 0.8943381 1.0000000
Based on either version of using the function, we find that the correlation
between Beers
and BAC
is estimated to be 0.89. This suggests a
strong linear relationship between the
two variables. Examples are about the only way to build up enough experience to
become skillful in using the correlation coefficient. Some additional
complications arise in more complicated studies as the next example
Gude et al. (2009) explored the relationship between average summer temperature (degrees F) and area burned (natural log of hectares94 = log(hectares)) by wildfires in Montana from 1985 to 2007. The log-transformation is often used to reduce the impacts of really large observations with non-negative (strictly greater than 0) variables (more on transformations and their impacts on regression models in Chapter ??). Based on your experiences with the wildfire “season” and before analyzing the data, I’m sure you would assume that summer temperature explains the area burned by wildfires. But could it be that more fires are related to having warmer summers? That second direction is unlikely on a state-wide scale but could apply at a particular weather station that is near a fire. There is another option – some other variable is affecting both variables. For example, drier summers might be the real explanatory variable that is related to having both warm summers and lots of fires. These variables are also being measured over time making them examples of time series. In this situation, if there are changes over time, they might be attributed to climate change. So there are really three relationships to explore with the variables measured here (remembering that the full story might require measuring even more!): log-area burned versus temperature, temperature versus year, and log-area burned versus year.
With more than two variables, we can use the cor
function on all the
variables and end up getting a matrix of correlations or, simply, the
correlation matrix. If you triangulate the row and column labels, that cell provides the correlation between that pair of variables. For example, in the first row (Year
and the last column (loghectares
), you can find that the correlation
coefficient is r=0.362. Note the symmetry in the matrix around the
diagonal of 1’s – this further illustrates that correlation between
\(x\) and \(y\) does not depend on which variable is viewed as the “response”.
The estimated correlation
between Temperature
and Year
is -0.004 and the correlation between
(log-hectares burned) and Temperature
is 0.81. So
has almost no linear
change over time. And there is a strong linear relationship between
and Temperature
. So it appears that temperatures may
be related to log-area burned but that the trend over time in both is less
clear (at least the linear trends).
mtfires <- read_csv("")
# natural log transformation of area burned
mtfires$loghectares <- log(mtfires$hectares)
#Cuts the original hectares data so only log-scale version in tibble
mtfiresR <- mtfires[,-3]
## Year Temperature loghectares
## Year 1.0000000 -0.0037991 0.3617789
## Temperature -0.0037991 1.0000000 0.8135947
## loghectares 0.3617789 0.8135947 1.0000000
The correlation matrix alone is misleading – we need to explore scatterplots
to check for nonlinear
relationships, outliers, and clustering of observations that may be distorting
the numerical measure of the linear relationship. The pairs.panels
function from the psych
package (Revelle 2019) combines the numerical
correlation information and scatterplots in one display.
There are
some options to turn off for the moment but it is an easy function to use to
get lots of information in one place. As in the correlation matrix, you
triangulate the variables for the pairwise relationship. The upper right
panel of Figure 2.102 displays a correlation of 0.36 for
and loghectares
and the lower left panel contains the
scatterplot with Year
on the x-axis and loghectares
on the y-axis.
The correlation between Year
and Temperature
is really small, both
in magnitude and in display, but appears to be nonlinear (it goes down between
1985 and 1995 and then goes back up), so the correlation coefficient doesn’t
mean much here since it just measures the overall linear relationship. We might
say that this is a moderate strength (moderately “clear”) curvilinear
relationship. In terms of the underlying climate process, it suggests a
decrease in summer temperatures between 1985 and 1995 and then an increase in
the second half of the data set.
Figure 2.102: Scatterplot matrix of Montana fires data.
As one more example, the Australian Institute of Sport collected data
on 102 male and 100 female athletes that are available in the ais
data set from the alr3
package (Weisberg (2018), Weisberg (2005)).
They measured a
variety of variables including the athlete’s Hematocrit (Hc
units of percentage of red blood cells in the blood), Body Fat Percentage
, units of percentage of total body weight), and height (Ht
units of cm). Eventually we might be interested in predicting Hc
based on the other variables, but for now the associations are of interest.
ais <- as.tibble(ais)
aisR <- ais[,c("Ht","Hc","Bfat")]
## Ht Hc Bfat
## Min. :148.9 Min. :35.90 Min. : 5.630
## 1st Qu.:174.0 1st Qu.:40.60 1st Qu.: 8.545
## Median :179.7 Median :43.50 Median :11.650
## Mean :180.1 Mean :43.09 Mean :13.507
## 3rd Qu.:186.2 3rd Qu.:45.58 3rd Qu.:18.080
## Max. :209.4 Max. :59.70 Max. :35.520
Figure 2.103: Scatterplot matrix of athlete data.
## Ht Hc Bfat
## Ht 1.0000000 0.3711915 -0.1880217
## Hc 0.3711915 1.0000000 -0.5324491
## Bfat -0.1880217 -0.5324491 1.0000000
(Height) and Hc
(Hematocrit) have a moderate positive
relationship that may contain a slight nonlinearity. It also contains one
clear outlier for a middle height athlete (around 175 cm) with an Hc
of close to 60% (a result that is extremely high). One might wonder about
whether this athlete has been doping or
if that measurement involved a recording error. We should consider removing
that observation to see how our results might change without it impacting the
results. For the relationship between Bfat
(body fat) and Hc
(hematocrit), that same high Hc
value is a clear outlier. There is
also a high Bfat
(body fat) athlete (35%) with a somewhat low
value. This also might be influencing our impressions so we will
remove both “unusual” values and remake the plot. The two offending
observations were found for individuals numbered 56 and 166 in the data set:
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## Ht Hc Bfat
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 180. 37.6 35.5
## 2 175. 59.7 9.56
We can create a reduced version of the data (aisR2
) by removing those
two rows using [-c(56, 166),]
and then remake the plot:
(ref:fig6-5) Scatterplot matrix of athlete data with two potential outliers removed.
aisR2 <- aisR[-c(56,166),] #Removes observations in rows 56 and 166
pairs.panels(aisR2, scale=T, ellipse=F, smooth=F, col=0)
Figure 2.104: (ref:fig6-5)
After removing these two unusual observations, the relationships between
the variables are more obvious (Figure 2.104). There is a
moderate strength, relatively linear relationship between Height and
Hematocrit. There is almost no relationship between Height and
Body Fat % \((\boldsymbol{r}=-0.20)\). There is a negative, moderate strength,
somewhat curvilinear relationship between Hematocrit and Body Fat %
\((\boldsymbol{r}=-0.54)\). As hematocrit increases initially, the body fat
percentage decreases but at a certain level (around 45% for Hc
), the
body fat percentage seems to
level off. Interestingly, it ended up that removing those two outliers had only
minor impacts on the estimated correlations – this will not always be the case.
Sometimes we want to just be able to focus on the correlations, assuming
we trust that
the correlation is a reasonable description of the results between the
variables. To make it easier to see patterns of positive and negative
correlations, we can employ a different version of the same display from
the corrplot
package (Wei and Simko 2017) with the corrplot.mixed
In this case
(Figure 2.105), it tells much the same story but also allows
the viewer to easily distinguish both size and direction and read off the
numerical correlations if desired.
(ref:fig6-6) Correlation plot of the athlete data with two potential outliers removed. Lighter (orange) circle for positive correlations and black for negative correlations.
corrplot.mixed(cor(aisR2), upper.col=c("black", "orange"),lower.col=c("black", "orange"))
Figure 2.105: (ref:fig6-6)
Gude, Patricia H., J. Anthony Cookson, Mark C. Greenwood, and Mark Haggerty. 2009. “Homes in Wildfire-Prone Areas: An Empirical Analysis of Wildfire Suppression Costs and Climate Change.”
Revelle, William. 2019. Psych: Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research.
Wei, Taiyun, and Viliam Simko. 2017. Corrplot: Visualization of a Correlation Matrix.
Weisberg, Sanford. 2005. Applied Linear Regression, Third Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Weisberg, Sanford. 2018. Alr3: Data to Accompany Applied Linear Regression 3rd Edition.
interface with the cor
function only works after you load the
natural log (\(\log_e\) or \(\ln\)) is used in statistics so much that the
function in R log
actually takes the natural log and if you want a
\(\log_{10}\) you have to use the function log10
. When statisticians
say log we mean natural log.↩