Magento Open Source, 1.9.x

My Account

Your account information contains your login credentials and personal information that was initially entered during the Magento Setup. You can edit the account information, and also create additional Admin user accounts with various permission levels.

As a best practice, it’s good to have more than one Admin account with full permissions, so if you ever forget your password, you won’t be locked out of the Admin.

To edit your account information:

1. On the Admin menu, select System > My Account.
2. Make any changes necessary to the following:
  • User Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
3. To change your Admin password, do the following:
a. Enter your Current Admin Password.
b. Enter your New Password. To confirm, enter it again in the Password Confirmation field.
4. When complete, click the Save Account button.
5. Make sure to update your records so you don’t forget the new password. You will need it the next time you log in to the Admin.

My Account
  • Field Descriptions



    User Name

    The user name that is entered to log in to the Admin.

    First Name

    The first name of the Admin user.

    Last Name

    The last name of the Admin user.


    The email address that is associated with the Admin user account. Each Admin account must have a different email address.

    Current Admin Password

    Your current Admin password.

    New Password

    Your new Admin password.

    Password Confirmation

    Your new Admin password for confirmation.